"Are you ok?"


Well-known member
Yes when people ask things like this they are rarely asking the question, usually just greeting you.


Well-known member
People that have been in my life for quite a while (my mom, boyfriend, etc), will ask if "I'm okay" when having a panic attack or something. I think they used to be genuine when asking me. They actually cared about what was going on with me. But now, not so much. It's always with an attitude.

My panic attacks are always quite obvious. Sometimes I'll hyperventilate or something. And people in my life know me well enough to see when I'm having anxiety. I won't even have to say anything. In fact, most of the time, I don't. I just panic quietly. Then their attitude comes out "WHAT IS WRONG NOW?!" If I could hide my anxiety better, I would. In this case, I guess pretending you're alright is probably the best option.

I hate humans.