Are you assertive?


Well-known member
I'm really passive. I find it really hard to hold an argument, although sometimes I'll get passionate about something and be able to be more assertive. But sometimes I'll lose steam halfway through :roll: When I say something and people talk over me or something, it kills me. I beat myself up over it (I literally imagine beating myself up 8O ). Lately though, I've been taking more of a 'if they don't want to listen, then fuck 'em' approach... still not quite the same as assertiveness, but still.


Well-known member
Assertiveness is something I am beginning to get back into now, I have gathered info and tip sheets from the net and I am slowly beggining to put things into practice, I think it will take a while though. I have very pleasant thoughts about being able to go through life assertivly, it would be wonderful :)


Well-known member
I am sometimes assertive, but not always. It feels good to be able to stand up for yourself, but I sometimes overdue the assertiveness and make a fool of myself. Stupid SP messes me up. I need to learn when to be assertive and how. :oops:


Well-known member
I am passive, and often pick on in school when it comes to people needing lunch money :? Usuall if i'm assertive, i'm usually comfortable and not caring too much about how i say things. Unfortunately if i feel uncomfortable and i try be assertive, i can come out somewhat agressive, but in a more weak, bitter way.


Well-known member
Assertive? Of course. Extremely assertive. That's why I come to a site called "social phobia world" every day or so :)


not actually Fiona Apple
I am not very assertive, I definitely lean far closer to the passive side of the spectrum. I can take charge in certain situations, if I am comfortable or the other person out-passives me ::p: but in general I am quite passive


Well-known member
I used to be more assertive when I wasn't so agoraphobic-- now I'm passive unless I feel the need to be assertive for someone else's sake.

I was always assertive in my relationship because he was not unless I led the way; so I chose to lead for the sake of 'us'.

I prefer to be passive with strangers though; because I know nothing about their background or what situation they were put in that dictates their actions-- I prefer to try to be understanding and to put others before myself.


I think I am a mix of extremely nice and polite and assertive. Which are not opposites btw., or passive aggresiveness. I just really want to be nice and get on with everyone, guess I´m very forthcoming and forgiving, but sometimes people don´t reciprocate it or try to take advantage of me, or try how far I let them go, that´s when I have to start being firm and not let it cross the line..