Are you ashamed...


welcome =]
I'm extremely ashamed of it. It's the hardest thing to tell anybody, other than crying in front of people. My mom knows about it, and most of my friends do also, but only because they (by change) are familiar with social anxiety.

When I discovered it I joined this site lol

Me too, I can't imagine myself telling anyone. But what hurts me the most is that I know my family WILL make fun of me if I were to say such a thing. My mom will say, as she did before: "People won't bite you!" It just makes it worse for me. I mean, it will be less painful if it was about biting lol


Well-known member
Yes I must admit I am very ashamed :'(
I don't really feel "normal."
It's hard for me to open up and tell people about my SAD without feeling overwhelmingly ashamed.
Yes, I would never tell anyone outside my immediate family.
My mother talks about social phobia with the same tone in her voice as she would if I had some hideous, embarrassing physical deformity.::(:
Not at all, I came to face it and accept it and now I'm dealing with it, I don't care if people with a big ego try to make me feel inferior just because I have SAD, so don't feel ashamed :)


Well-known member
I'm not ashamed at all. I tell people straight out that I'm socially anxious. The problem is, people never quite understand what exactly social anxiety is. They think it's just a simple case of shyness but there is much, MUCH more to it than just that. Worst part is that because no one understands it, people tend to put me in situations that make me very uncomfortable, like dragging me along to the mall, taking me out to eat at busy restaurants, and so forth.


Well-known member
Are you ashamed to tell certain people that you have SAD? I mean, actually in
my case I'm ashamed to tell anyone at all. Yes, people notice, but I think most of them have little idea about it. So to literally specify it as a disorder, probably hoping for some appreciation againt being a weird person to them... how about parents?

What did you do when you discovered it?

Sorry I'm kinda new here so I don't know if this topic has been discussed before... ::eek::

Yeah, I was when I first realized. I made sure that when I was checking my e-mail in the library, nobody saw the notices from DailyStrength. Now, I'm fine with it. It's more of a dont-ask-dont-tell policy for me though. If somebody asks me if I have SA, I'll say "yes, yes i do" rather calmly.
When people say something to me about my behavior, I just tell them I forgot to take my pills today...and then they usually don't say anything else.


Well-known member
Yes I am very ashamed, more than that! I just don't have a word to describe how awful I feel about having SAD. ::(:

There was a situation where I had to take summer classes for college. I wanted a single but I made a stupid mistake by choosing a double, KNOWING I wouldn't be able to deal with the other person. Everything was smooth for a while. I actually acted like a normal person. THEN, she started letting her boyfriend stay in the room till REALLY late at night. She even brought in a random guy and they talked, yea talked, until 4am in the morning. All of what she did bothered me so bad. But I never said anything. And then when I DID decide to say something it was really late in the session I looked stupid because I should have told her earlier. She was like why did you wait till now to tell me? Then she rambled on about how she didn't think any of it was wrong, how I messed up her schedule, and how she would try to adjust.

She also pointed out how I did not take my trash out and how I left things around. She really EXAGGERATED on that stuff though. Sometimes when you go to college bad habits can follow you and they are hard to break. That was a HUGE lesson that I learned the HARD way. From now on I will always make sure everything is clean and that I take my trash out.

Since it was towards the end I actually felt bad about telling them that they couldn't stay late. (They never really were loud or crazy..I was just uncomfortable). So I made the stupidest move ever! I text'd her and told her about my SAD and said that her and her boyfriend didn't have to leave early anymore and that it was my fault. She didn't even text me back and when they came back they did not say a WORD to me. :confused: I looked even more stupid than I did before. From then on she did not speak to me at all. It was like she didn't even give a damn! Her BOYFRIEND actually said hello to me again before the session was over just out of kindness! She was a total and complete bitch! I was expecting her to sympathize with me and be nice until the session was over since I told her about my disorder.

Since then, I have NEVER and WILL NEVER tell anyone else about it! Worst experience since i've been in college! (Well besides my freshman roommate..)

It's like there are SO many people without this disorder. Why did I have to be one of the ones that has it? Why couldn't I have a normal childhood and teenage life? And why could they?

That's life right? But I still have hope....:rolleyes:
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