are you an island?

Ok so yesterday someone says to me that i need to change who i am because no man is an island, but i told him yes they are, i am an island, he says i can't be because no-one can survive when isolated from others.

So i am wondering, do any of you feel that you are an island?

I think i am, i don't need other people, i don;t need to talk to people, be around them or interact with them, in fact the only time i am really myself is when i am alone.

I am currently at college full time in the days and i have a full time job aswell which i work at nights. So thats 30 hours of college per week and 40 hours of work.

In the summer i will be joining University and moving into a place of my own, renting a studio apartment for £495 per month, only 1 bedroom but thats all it needs.

I am building a terrific future for myself and i think i have done this alone and that everything i have achieved as been through my own hard work. My current college assignment consists of group work and i refused to work in a group, so much so that i have special dispensation to work alone on this project.

Everything i go through, i go through alone, i carry the weight of the world on my shoulders and just get on with it. I have never needed anybody else, so i do think i am an island.


Well-known member
Have you seen the movie "About A Boy"? It's really good. Just mentioning it because it sorted started and ended with the quote, "no man is an island."

Anyhow, I do think that it is possible for someone to be an island. It sure sounds like you're one, and I say there's nothing wrong with that so long as you're well and content.

I think that I am one as well. I don't have a need for others. Sure, there are times when I feel lonely and have a want and desire for others, but that's not the norm for me. I've just always been comfortable and content being by myself and doing my own thing.


I too have often referred to myself as an island the kind that is surrounded by a state of the art moat full of grumpy However, not meaning to be a killjoy but don't you think if we were truly an island as in, "don't have a need for others" we wouldn't be here? Doesn't joining a forum and establishing a cyber presence constitute as needing others? Difference being contact is on our terms and when and if we see fit which is the beauty of cyber space for the very likes of us. I think that we would have to be totally cut off from human contact in any form to truly know ...

Just a thought ...



Well-known member
This is interesting - I definately enjoy my own company. I think it is good you do too. By the sounds of your life you are constantly surrounded by people. You probably need that time to be alone - you could be a highly senstive person.

Anyway - I'm not sure how old you are - but years have an interesting way of teaching us. We all need other human beings - at differing levels - give yourself another 10 + 20 years and we'll see if you are still happy being an Island...

you might be!


Well-known member
I thought about "About A Boy" too, when I started reading this post, lol. :lol:

I'm an Island too...infact, I like to think of myself as Ibiza!


Well-known member
No one is an Island

When I saw this post I just had to reply. If I had a dollar or Euro for every time I was told that coment It would be a nice sorce of income.LOL

I ve notice that people usualy use that coment when Introverts/shy people like us dont want to volunteer personal information about our self to those " I want to get in to your personal business" types.

There are lots of islands in this world such as Japan/UK/ Even the Antartic is an island and they do just fine dispite being isolated. Islands like to have a bit of space so they/we can monitor whats approaching. It does not mean being completely cut off from the rest of the world. It just means wanting or having the abality to control the flow or volume of contack.

So next time someone makes that coment just remind them that the planet could be considered a island yet it functions just well doesnt.


Well-known member
I've been feeling really lonely lately, but as soon as I spend time around other people I just want to be by myself again.

I feel pressured when I'm with other people. When I'm alone I feel comfortable, but I think it's also natural to want to be around other people. So I'm caught in between.


Well-known member
are you an island

Phantompod Wrote:
I think that I am one as well. I don't have a need for others. Sure, there are times when I feel lonely and have a want and desire for others, but that's not the norm for me. I've just always been comfortable and content being by myself and doing my own thing.

Likewise! It just so comfortable being on your own. No stress, you relax and experience no SP syptoms, which varies for each of us in some way.

But are we not loosing out on the niceties of live. i.e feelings of being loved, supported,marriage, kids,a career or good job and friends, which we all want! We never relate to people in a way to make interaction meaningful. We even avoid interaction with our immediate family members! Yes it absolute bliss to be by ourselves and do our own thing, but we are missing out on LIVE! Are we not doing ourselves a disservice?

Everything is true for me, but SP reigns! Will we ever overcome? Are we meant to be forever alone? As long as SP rules our lives, we will be!By always seeking our own company and avoiding people we will just re-inforce our lifestyle! But change is just so hard! You almost want to give up and just let things be! But I want a better life for myself!


Well-known member
This post reminds me of something my head of year said in an assembly when I was in high school. She said that we shouldn't call people loners or say that certain people don't have any friends because it can't be true. She said if they really had no friends they wouldn't survive. I felt like shouting "wanna bet?!" as I had no friends and was obviously still alive. I have my family though so I'm not completely isolated.


Well-known member
A few years ago I felt kinda happy when alone, but not anymore. I don't know, but as you get older unfortunately things change for the worse.


Funny you guys should mention this.. when i was growing up my mom always told me "no man is an island" primarly because i was so intent on being alone 100% of the time.

In my 20's i enjoyed being on my own and doing my own thing. I spent so much time alone I ended up gaving conversations with myself.. sometimes rather loudly!

In my 30's something changed.. I began to feel alone. And when the panic attacks started I felt even worse. Thru therapy I have learned that it is absolutely necessary to have a support group of friends and family especially if you want to beat the social anxiety.

So is any man an island? not really.. it may feel that way at times but in actuality you are not. Just do not close yourself off to people around you.


Well-known member
Elaine you are describing me. I felt rather happy in my twenties as well, but I'm very depressed now that I'm 31.