Are you afraid of dying?


Well-known member
I'm always terrified of hearing about disasters, wars and things that can contribute to death.

I am terrified of dying, if it is a painful or suffering death. If I go to sleep and never wake up or something happens that makes it painless and before I realised what happened. I do not mind as much.

I just... really want to be able to believe or have evidence that 'life' is not over once we die. I really do hope that ghosts or such things are real. I don't want 'that' to be just it.


this something i struggle with with my pure O obsessions. I think for me though, it is the recurring fear that I am going to do something that causes my family or my long term boyfriend to die. For example, i obsess that i have HIV and will go through periods where i dont want to be intimate with my boyfriend because i dont want him to get it and die (even though i have had 3 tests in the last year, ALL negative). Or if i ask him to stop by the store and pick something up on the way home, the second i hang up the phone i start obsessing with the thought that he is going to get in car accident and die and its going to me my fault because i told him to go to the store which caused him to go on a different road than he normally would. When i was young, i used to make my mom take this little pink smiley face pillow with her to work because i thought if she didnt take it, she wouldnt be protected and she would get in a car accident and die.

It is very hard dealing with these thoughts at times. Living in constant fear is horrible, and the biggest fear i have is that i will always be like this. . . .


Well-known member
The only thing I'm more afraid of then dying,is being blind and in that case I think I would rather be dead.::(:
I'm more scared of sex than death

so the answer is nope, I can't wait for it.

although a slow and painful death would pretty much suck.


Well-known member
I'm scared of death, which is quite ironic since I had a lot of suicidal thoughts in my teens. Most people (regardless of whether they admit it or not) are afraid of death.


Well-known member
i dont really think i fear death , i just want to be here long enough to make sure all my kids are ok and happy with there lives .... then the good lord can take me , or the devil :eek:


Well-known member
IN my opinion,I don't think death isn't always the worse part of death.It's the dying that's the worse part of death.Like being burned alive or eaten by a bear.That cant be very pleasant
I think this question is stupid. I mean I want to learn to live a happy and relatively normal life.
Why would I be thinking about dying when I am not really living.

If the fear comes from years wasted mentality then that is different.
As in being on your deathbed at 80 and you realize that you have wasted your
life and lost a lot of time.
That is different but the OP did not hint towards that.

The one think that can be said about death is that it's the ultimate equilibrium
because rich or poor, SA or non-SA, OCD or no OCD we all die at one point.
Yes, of course I'm afraid of dying (who isn't?).

I don't fear so much the pain that the process may involve, though, but rather more the idea of not existing...


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
I don't fear so much the pain that the process may involve, though, but rather more the idea of not existing...
Funny, I'm just the opposite. But I've watched people die, slowly and painfully over months. I've also been near death myself and expecting to go in a matter of days. The pain and all that really suck, trust me. :D


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Well, pain is something to fear with good reason. I mean, pain is bad. Especially the level you're likely having if you're dying, and pain for a really long time is rather remarkably bad.

Not existing? Well, that means no more anything bad! No more good either, but 0 bad is less to fear than lots of bad. Right?
Well, pain is something to fear with good reason. I mean, pain is bad. Especially the level you're likely having if you're dying, and pain for a really long time is rather remarkably bad.

Not existing? Well, that means no more anything bad! No more good either, but 0 bad is less to fear than lots of bad. Right?

Yeah, I mean, I wouldn't choose to live a life full of pain. That's just pointless suffering. How shall I put this to you... Well, If I was given the opportunity to live a thousand years of pain/torture followed by a thousand years of normal, healthy life, I wouldn't hesitate to take that option.