Are we smarter than common people?


Well-known member
I see the big majority of people here is the "I don't want to follow, I don't want to lead" kind. And that shows intellectual maturity.
We know we can handle things without other people.

I've always seen almost all my classmates as dumb, stupid, shallow, ignorant...

I was a kid worried with things other kids would never even know it exist.
So I used to be lonely and mocked. And off course, I started to be very shy and quiet at school. But before school I was a happy talkative kid.
I can see this at old films from my family.

How can we hang out with people we simply cannot relate to?

How could I act like those idiots?
I've never had anything in common with them...

We simply can't relate with this people, and since we are alone and the "normal" thing is to act like those "normal" kids and relate to them, we start to feel bad for not fitting in, and the disorder starts to appear...

What your opinion guys?


Well-known member
My opinion is although yes its a lot easier to be around people who at least slightly understand what your going through you have to get used the the idiots sometime. I mean they are always going to be around in some aspect. I've learned to mostly ignore and if they talk to me directly be polite but don't take crap... which comes off as cold and bitchy but hey they don't talk to me again so it works. There are always going to be gaps between the different types of people just need to learn how to build bridges... or stay on your own little island. Either way I wish you the best of luck with those 'less intelligent' beings. Here's my question, if they are less intelligent does that mean were more advanced in evolution or they are just a bit closer linked to the primate.


Well-known member
My opinion is although yes its a lot easier to be around people who at least slightly understand what your going through you have to get used the the idiots sometime. I mean they are always going to be around in some aspect. I've learned to mostly ignore and if they talk to me directly be polite but don't take crap... which comes off as cold and bitchy but hey they don't talk to me again so it works. There are always going to be gaps between the different types of people just need to learn how to build bridges... or stay on your own little island. Either way I wish you the best of luck with those 'less intelligent' beings. Here's my question, if they are less intelligent does that mean were more advanced in evolution or they are just a bit closer linked to the primate.

I think they are just more mundane...
Give a playstation and a party to this people and they will be happy for days. I think we are only deeper!

My mum said to me a long time ago: "My God, are you not happy that you are going to travel to another country? Every kid your age would love to do that!"

And I would answer something like that (I can't remeber exactly):
"How can I be happy with that? I'm schocked with this Gulf War or getting pancreatic cancer!"

I know not everyone is like me, but we think too much. Common people just do things automatically...


Well-known member
I think they are just more mundane...
Give a playstation and a party to this people and they will be happy for days. I think we are only deeper!

My mum said to me a long time ago: "My God, are you not happy that you are going to travel to another country? Every kid your age would love to do that!"

And I would answer something like that (I can't remeber exactly):
"How can I be happy with that? I'm schocked with this Gulf War or getting pancreatic cancer!"

I know not everyone is like me, but we think too much. Common people just do things automatically...

I know what you mean. I haven't been to another country or anything but I have had scenarios where someone will ask if I'm excited or say they wish they could have/do what I'm doing and I just shrug it off.

Don't have enough time to we excited when the world is falling to crap and I think I am to. I like that, common.


Well-known member
i don't really know what my opinion is.. i mean, i definitely don't associate with those who i don't like/respect for any reason at all.. out of my group of friends, i truly respect and think highly of two or three of them? and that does not include my very best friend who i have been with since she was born 10 days after me, we've literally been together for 21 years, i love her just like my sister, but she's so dumb sometimes! haha..

anyway, dreaming in color is also a sign of intelligence.. anybody else dream in color? lol


Well-known member
I see the big majority of people here is the "I don't want to follow, I don't want to lead" kind. And that shows intellectual maturity.
We know we can handle things without other people.

I've always seen almost all my classmates as dumb, stupid, shallow, ignorant...

I was a kid worried with things other kids would never even know it exist.
So I used to be lonely and mocked. And off course, I started to be very shy and quiet at school. But before school I was a happy talkative kid.
I can see this at old films from my family.

How can we hang out with people we simply cannot relate to?

How could I act like those idiots?
I've never had anything in common with them...

We simply can't relate with this people, and since we are alone and the "normal" thing is to act like those "normal" kids and relate to them, we start to feel bad for not fitting in, and the disorder starts to appear...

What your opinion guys?

I completely agree with very nearly everything you said :).


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Common people, eh? It is an inherent weakness of humans to place yourself in a 'superior' group and look down upon others, thus feeling better about yourself. It almost invariably leads to bad things.

Knowing that I am human and share this weakness, I would need to see some hard evidence--studies and the like--before I came to any conclusions.


Well-known member
I think they are just more mundane...
Give a playstation and a party to this people and they will be happy for days. I think we are only deeper!

My mum said to me a long time ago: "My God, are you not happy that you are going to travel to another country? Every kid your age would love to do that!"

And I would answer something like that (I can't remeber exactly):
"How can I be happy with that? I'm schocked with this Gulf War or getting pancreatic cancer!"

I know not everyone is like me, but we think too much. Common people just do things automatically...

Common people, eh? It is an inherent weakness of humans to place yourself in a 'superior' group and look down upon others, thus feeling better about yourself. It almost invariably leads to bad things.

Knowing that I am human and share this weakness, I would need to see some hard evidence--studies and the like--before I came to any conclusions.

Off course we are not a superior group! Otherwise we would not be so socially inept and stressed, or comitting suicides. We are just deeper. We think too much!

I don't even know if this is a good thing.
There is a book called "Touched with Fire, Manic-Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament", that says that great part of the most famous writers, painters, musicians and etc were doomed with a mental disorder.

I think our power is like a ferrari without breaks, we are ****ed mate.
There are social phobics that are smart and ones that aren't. There are "normal people" that are smart and ones that aren't. I don't think it has anything to do with being social phobic - unless you spend your free time, which you have more of due to a lack of friends, reading non-fiction and studying and stuff.

I've had social phobia my whole life. And even though I find philosophy, psychology, Biology and politics interesting, I'd be completely happy in a room with some beer and video games haha


Well-known member
I happen to believe that we are common people. We may have our problems and disorders but that doesn't make us so much different. I don't care to think in terms of "us" and "them" because I consider myself to be a pretty normal individual. I can basically relate to people with SA just as well as I can relate to the "normal" people.

As for being more intelligent...I can say that there are intelligent people on this forum, but I don't think we're necessarily smarter than others. I've met plenty of people without SA who were brilliant so I don't think there's a correlation between SA and high intelligence.

I've known people who enjoyed playing playstation for hours but were capable of deep thought. Same with people who party. I personally cannot stand video games, but that doesn't make me more intelligent or a deeper thinker than those who do. Besides, some academics and scientists believe that playing video games does make people smarter in the sense that a person has to use problem solving and strategic thinking thus excercising their brain.

And as for common people doing things automatically...there is no proof to substantiate that claim. At least, not to my knowledge.

Deep thinking is very useful especially for introspection, but it can be harmful. Hence SA. Sometimes we think too much for our own good.

word. very well stated :) i agree with everything you said


Well-known member
I've known people who enjoyed playing playstation for hours but were capable of deep thought. Same with people who party. I personally cannot stand video games, but that doesn't make me more intelligent or a deeper thinker than those who do. Besides, some academics and scientists believe that playing video games does make people smarter in the sense that a person has to use problem solving and strategic thinking thus excercising their brain.

And as for common people doing things automatically...there is no proof to substantiate that claim. At least, not to my knowledge.

Deep thinking is very useful especially for introspection, but it can be harmful. Hence SA. Sometimes we think too much for our own good.

Sure there is people who like playstation and are clever. And for sure this happens with people that like to party too. And I love video games myself! Specially "C & C Generals" and "Day of Deafeat". And video games help people who has alzheimer too!

And you are absolutely right, there is no proof to substantiate my claim about common people doing things automatically, I'm just speculating from my point of view.

What I'm saying, however, is that people without mental disorders like social phobia, depression and etc get "happy" easily and we don't. We are always thinking much more than we should...

For example: I'm alone at my room now and I'm stressed, depressed, tired, and I'm always like that. I can't just be happy, my thoughts are always fused with my emotions and they are always bad.
But if you see my sister, she just turns on the TV and starts to laugh like a pure inoccent angel. That's the "automatically behaviour" that I had talked about.

And I "feel" that people like my sister tend to be shallow, common/vulgar people; and people like us tend to be more clever, or just "deeper" if you prefer.

But that's only my opinon!


We're not actually smarter than everyone else. Its more like we're more in tune with ourselves. There are some things in our heads that are just not right... but some how perceive it to be true. But, as a great "fictional" man in a video game told me... Nothing is true, every thing is permitted.


Active member
I think the social phobia just gives us more time to think about things. Since we are afraid of social situations (probably the biggest things we humans do) we read, and think instead. Or maybe the fact that we read and think too much causes the social phobia...?

It's kind of irritating there I was worrying about my soul, the state the world is in, how I am going to die, and the meaning of life; while everyone else is like worrying about celebrities, and make-up.


Well-known member
What kind of smart do you mean? Because in school I was always made fun of for not being intelligent. I was never one of those retards who thought it was funny to make fun of people or fart in class but I also got along with "stupid" people. Now a days how ever I don't really leave my house and I'm on the internet or reading books most of the time. All I see majority of the time is people who are desperate, low lives who will do anything to make them self's feel high.
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Well-known member
Well, I have a 16 year old daughter and an 11 year old son. When they were both in kindergarten, their teachers had them tested and decided they should be in a special gifted class in another school. Both of their IQ's turned out to be 7 points below genius. I remember the first day my daughter started her new class, I was surprised because most of the other kids had problems such as shyness, stuttering, ADD, OCD, and they all spoke like they were in college or something. I read up on the subject, and found out that above-average intelligence often goes along with these things as well as other social problems. Luckily, my kids inherited their dad's outgoing personality and humor, and not my shyness. They have the best of both worlds. They're popular and smart. However, they do have some issues with perfectionism and being overly organized. I've read about some of you on here having those issues. So there is definitely a link between being very smart and mental disorders. I've tried to teach my kids not to put down other kids in their class because of those things. As they've gotten older though, they've learned to hide their intelligence in school so that they don't get put into the category of "nerdy kids". They'd rather be in the regular class with normal kids and be popular, than be picked on for being smart. It's sad that we live in a world that would tease people because of how smart they are. Especially girls. My daughter knows guys often don't like girls who are smarter than they are. She gets teased sometimes when the teacher uses her work as an example of the right way to do it. She's not easily embarrassed like I am though.