Are panic and nervousness a part of SA


Well-known member
Panic disorder certainly can be a part of social anxiety. Panic can often mimic the feeling of be about to faint.

Dizziness, tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, a racing heart are other symptoms.
My SA has never involved physical symptoms such as described above. Perhaps that's partly due to having very strong Avoidance - so i would never allow myself into any situation where i might get all "riled up" to the extent of greatly increased heartrate, etc. At worst, my physical symptoms have only esclated to what they do when say humiliated or enraged in public (ie basically just increased heartrate/breathing, and also a very very strong urge to "kill" or "destroy" them, or take immediate retaliation/justice of some sort).

So to this day, my SA has over the years, built to almost 100% complete avoidance of "the world", based on i think, my great fear of past negative situations recurring (put-downs & ridicule mainly, which would trigger my deep inner rage/demons & low self-worth). But i think my SA is equal to, if not more than, others with SA + panic/etc sysmptoms. :question:


I believe so.

I never actually fainted, but sometimes the feeling of embarrassment is overwhelming; my heart rate speeds up insanely, I sweat terribly and have a strong urge to flee the scene instantly. If I didn't flee to some solitary corner, I believe I'd feel like fainting, too...