Apathy----I don't want to do ANYTHING!


Well-known member
Laziness doesn't exist because no one truly enjoys doing nothing.

this was a cool response and i like to think you're right about laziness not existing, it's something much deeper. Sometimes 'laziness' can be that point where you're about to reach the rock bottom that motivates you via fear of pain, but something enables you to just stay out of it's reach. I still hate the term laziness though. Wish people didn't judge upon those lines


Well-known member
I googled "I hate people and don't want to do anything in life" and got here lol

I am nearing the end. I feel it coming. I want nothing from life. I don't want to contribute. Everything is a mess and I feel WW3 on the horizon. Life is a hypocrite.

omg, I used to feel like this. The sentence "I hate people and don't want to do anything in life" pretty much describes my thought patterns back then. I think one reason why we feel apathy is because we don't want to face pain. I know that applies to me. When something horrible or traumatic happens to me, such as somebody bullying me, I would often tell myself, "I hate people. I don't care about them or what they do", and it would make me feel better. If I admit to myself that I care, then the pain will settle in and I will cry. And I will have to face reality.

So, I use apathy as a way to block out the painful reality. Telling myself "I don't care about people" and forcing myself to remain indifferent to their actions and behavior helps me stay "intact", so to speak. I become an outside observer instead of getting involved in other people's lives, and I still think people should mind their own business and stop dragging me into their troubles.

This is sort of like meditation, where you just observe your thoughts without getting pulled in by them.


sometime you have draw an line how and say to yourself what you really want in life and go for that.. I already stimulate with stimulants enough but sometimes things are just boring.


Hi guys!

Say I told you that what you were feeling was the truth?

Say i told you that what you were feeling was in fact you reaching enlightenment?

Say I told you that you didn't actually have any problem at all, but only thought you did.

That I told you that sitting in a house all day long feeling like there wasn't any point to living was actually you understanding the truth about your life.

How would you feel then?

Would you feel like you were wasting your life, hell no!

You'd feel like you were one of the few people who had truly reached enightenment. Young or old, you can reach it and from what i'm hearing and seeing on this thread, most of you guys have reached it.

Well done!



New member
Hello all,

intrench says it true. I wish there were more people like him.

You say you don't want to do anything. And why do you feel you HAVE to do anything ? Other than easy things that are not a philosophical debate, why should you do anything at all ?

Liberty is not having to do anything and thinking you are obliged to do something other than what is completely necessary is servitude.

Thank you guys and girls. This topic helped me a lot.

Hi guys!

Say I told you that what you were feeling was the truth?

Say i told you that what you were feeling was in fact you reaching enlightenment?

Say I told you that you didn't actually have any problem at all, but only thought you did.

That I told you that sitting in a house all day long feeling like there wasn't any point to living was actually you understanding the truth about your life.

How would you feel then?

Would you feel like you were wasting your life, hell no!

You'd feel like you were one of the few people who had truly reached enightenment. Young or old, you can reach it and from what i'm hearing and seeing on this thread, most of you guys have reached it.

Well done!

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Well-known member
i don't have apathy i have not enough things to do atm that i want to do but have a bit of fear or a lot of fear that's preventing me from doing things.


Well-known member
People experience apathy when they lose hope in getting what they want. Loss of hope and apathy are actually two sides of the same coin.

Here are the three most common cases where people experience apathy:

If you believed that you will never reach your goals you will experience apathy
If you felt that your plans won't work you will experience apathy
If you lost faith in yourself you will experience apathy as well
Apathy usually precedes depression.

Thus apathy should be treated as a warning sign for depression. As soon as you find yourself indifferent try to take actions so that you don't end up depressed.

Dealing with apathy
So how can you deal with apathy?
In order to understand the following lines you must first know how your subconscious mind works. Your subconscious mind can be considered a friend who watches over you and who tries to direct you using emotions.
If this friend sent you the emotion of apathy then know that he doesn't trust the plans you are following and so the best way to deal with this friend is to:

Find another plan that you trust: Do whatever you can do to find another plan that you trust. Brainstorm with people, read books, learn new skills or consult experts. Be flexible and you will find another way
Move Against your emotions: Your subconscious mind won't believe in you instantly or overnight but there will always be a time period where your subconscious mind will be watching you until you prove to it that your new plan will work. In other words you will need to work hard and follow your plan even if you were experiencing apathy until your subconscious mind trusts your new plan and withdraws this emotion
Taking actions & dealing with apathy: Most people get personal development wrong. They think that they have to repeat a magical phrase then feel great instantly without putting in mind that the best way to deal with unwanted emotions, including apathy, is taking powerful actions. Do Something! change your plan, make a big achievement or find a creative solution and as a result your apathy will disappear



Well-known member
I really like the last sentence of Grapevine's last post because what I don't like is that part of my apathy is dependent on others. I've been applying for jobs online and I cannot just feel better by showing up for work at the place that would make me feel fulfilled. Other people have to open the door for me for my "plan" to work out. I feel like it works the same way with finding a relationship.

If losing my lack of will in life is always partly dependent on other people then I'll always feel this way. Motivation should come from within (i.e. set goals), but that's something I still have to work on. I'm not very good at that yet.