Anyone speak Welsh here?


Well-known member
I know there's some members from Wales i was just wondering.

Oes yna rhywun yma yn siarad Cymraeg?


Well-known member
So that's how Welsh looks like? I don't speak it, but it would have been interesting to learn it though^^.
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Staff member
Ha ha, do you want a sheep to go with them:)

Cara dafad



Well-known member
Might seem like a daft question, but since I'm interested in languages, I'd like to know how "clean" the Welsh language is. Is it very influenced by modern loanwords from other languages, predominantly English?


Well-known member
Yes it is influenced by English these days, especially in the area i live where English people have been living for decades. The Welsh i speak is not pure because i use the English names for items, for example things like Television, fridge, cooker, instead of using the Welsh words for them. We also tend to ''Welshify'' English words (make words sound Welsh)


Well-known member
Do they still teach it in most schools with just as much importance as English? And do you and most other people speak Welsh all the time in Wales or is it like the gaelic languages in parts of scotland and ireland that doesnt seem to be used as much?