Anyone play anything good lately?


Well-known member
Finished Metroid Other M. Good game, maybe a little easy. After finishing it, hard mode was unlocked. Now it's a great game :D (yeah, I like games where you die, it's boring to always win :p).

Also, I played Portal. Good game, but I don't understand why people love it so much. It was short and easy. But it's a fun game anyway. Should i get Portal 2? I want something more difficult lol


Well-known member
Finished Metroid Other M. Good game, maybe a little easy. After finishing it, hard mode was unlocked. Now it's a great game :D (yeah, I like games where you die, it's boring to always win :p).

Also, I played Portal. Good game, but I don't understand why people love it so much. It was short and easy. But it's a fun game anyway. Should i get Portal 2? I want something more difficult lol

Portal 2 is definitely longer and I found some areas to be quite hard and needed to go online for help. It also has a cool co-op mode. Now all I need is someone to play it with me....


Well-known member
Portal 2 really explores the mechanics from the first game much more. More complicated puzzles and multiple ways to solve them.
New tools are introduced for you to use and a more explorable map.
There is an actual storyline- lots of humor- lots of little things you may not pick up on until later on in the game-- it's longer than the first game too.

A great, great part 2 of a game if I've ever seen one.


Well-known member
Portal 2 is definitely longer and I found some areas to be quite hard and needed to go online for help. It also has a cool co-op mode. Now all I need is someone to play it with me....

Portal 2 really explores the mechanics from the first game much more. More complicated puzzles and multiple ways to solve them.
New tools are introduced for you to use and a more explorable map.
There is an actual storyline- lots of humor- lots of little things you may not pick up on until later on in the game-- it's longer than the first game too.

A great, great part 2 of a game if I've ever seen one.
Ok then, I will get it, thanks for your replies :)


Staff member
Playing LOTRO again, decided on a different server (elendilmir) to start afresh as the game has changed so much since I played it years ago. Seems like a dead server for low level though


Well-known member
Playing LOTRO again, decided on a different server (elendilmir) to start afresh as the game has changed so much since I played it years ago. Seems like a dead server for low level though

Nobody I know plays on brandywine. ::(:


Started Playing Mass Effect 1 like 2 weeks ago, wanted to see what all the buzz was so i started from the beginning, so far i'm really liking it ^^


Well-known member
I thought Mass Effect 1 was pretty bad, though I played ME2 first so maybe that's why. Need to buy #3 at some point.


Well-known member
resident evil revelations for the 3ds. just getting into it. great game, feels like classic resident evil but updated in a good way. I do miss the eye candy of static backdrops though.