Anyone have difficulty saying goodbye to coworkers?


Well-known member
Anyone have difficulty saying goodbye to coworkers? I'm not too bad at it but it's kind of difficult sometimes when your coworkers are bunched up right before your shift is over and your put on the spot to say goodbye. Some coworkers shake everyone hand and are super bubbly etc. I'm not exactly like that.
I can relate to you... I have a hard time saying hello or good bye... mostly to females though. I feel pretty if not completely comfortable around guys.
I know eh! it's hard because I don't talk to them that much during work / make smalltalk so it'd be weird to be friendly with them all of a sudden.
Yes! I have such a hard time greeting people, and saying goodbye. Sometimes if I get anxious I won't say anything, and people assume I am rude and stuck up. I can not stand this about myself, because greeting people should not be such a freaking challenge, I've seen children who introduce themselves better than I do. It makes it worse when they are talking to someone else or in a group, because I don't want to interrupt them.


Well-known member
Saying goodbye to coworkers isn't that bad because they usually say, "have a good day" and all I have to say is, "you too".

Saying goodbye to anyone else is kind of hard especially when a bunch of people are talking and I just stand up and announce to them all, "see you".

Sometimes I just remain silent and it doesn't seem to bother anyone.


Active member
I know eh! it's hard because I don't talk to them that much during work / make smalltalk so it'd be weird to be friendly with them all of a sudden.

I feel the same way. I usually don't bother unless I run into someone on the way out.


Well-known member
Yeah I do, I just like to avoid the whole situation. I don't know what to say or what to do. Should I hug them? should I not hug them? Will they be insulted if I dont' shake their hand? it usually ends up with me just saying a quick "bye" and then leaving the room or waiting until everyone else has said goodbye and just waving across the room.


Well-known member
It is not hard at all in the emotional sense, a bit awkward for me, but since they treat me like I don't exist I just pretend they don't either and walk out, say goodbye to my boss who is alright to me and that's it.


Well-known member
I have a hard time when its a group I have to say hello/goodbye to. They could be chatting with each other and I'll be afraid to interrupt them in fear they may think ill of me for doing so for a simple quick goodbye gesture. I don't have a job or in school right now, but that's how its been before. Always scared of being judged. I think to much though.