Anyone experience tics/twitching?


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Hello Mindina, I have anxiety in general and have the same issue with my muscles jumping if I get too nervous. My head used to bobble in class and every time I tried to make it stop it would twitch. I have read that nervousness can affect your joints/muscles and make them twitch. I know that surge of energy thing. I get "high" off of being nervous. I don't know how to explain it properly. It's like I get an adrenaline rush from being nervous, so I'm hyper. I don't get vocal ticks, but I stutter and the words can come out of my mouth really fast.

I don't know, many people have different symptoms when it comes to SAD because it deals with nervousness and some peoples bodies handles it differently. Try talking to your doctor and maybe they can give you something. It's been said that depression may have something to do with it too. I know that light feeling and what you're describing, I really do hope you get help for it. Here are a bunch of articles I've searched on LiveStrong: All About anxiety twitch | LIVESTRONG.COM Web MD on Twitching and anxiety: Physical Effects of Worrying On the second page of this article they mention twitching as a symptom. Twitching can be related to stress and anxiety but, there are also other reasons.


Well-known member
^^ ^^

When you get this feeling does it make you feel sick sometimes? I'm curious too, because I've ran into very few people with symptoms like this. I would like to hear from more people who have similar symptoms. I just never knew how to describe it and people never understood what I truly meant. I get them less often now. I think the only way they would really come back is if I went to a place with many people like in a stadium, or downtown when it's really packed, but I have had it really bad in the past. I hope your assessment goes well, I have one coming up too.


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Dizzy yes, a sick feeling like I'm on cloud 9 and the world gets fuzzy. I'm starting therapy again, so it's about my anxiety, mainly my social because it's what I want to work on the most.


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Does therapy work? I believe it does if you're patient. It may also depend on the type of therapy that you have and the therapist, but sometimes you have to wait before you make a sound decision. I once had a therapist who would make me ask her questions and would talk about her self the whole time because it took me a while to talk, or she would pull up useless information that had nothing to do with me like what time it was around the world (some Bull). She booted me off to another therapist and I was glad because the new lady took time with me despite my difficulties to talk. Some people really do get therapist that can be jerks. My therapy is cognitive behavioral but they did try psychtherapy on me because they were thinking PTSD had something to do with my behavior. When you first start out you may have to go through different processes until you're comfortable.


Well-known member
Hi Mindina, i first got tics when i was about 6. It was slight to moderate but it was on and off. In nervous situations, it could really turn on. The same things you have described, it feels like an energy and in different parts of the body, sometimes vocal.

I googled it along the years and it just seems too similar to tourette's.
I thought its probably one and the same.

I haven't had it in years though. Maybe for the past 6 years, if ever I got it very slight. Excitement seems to trigger it stronger than anxiety but both do trigger it..

I dont know how it disappears or reappears but one theory is the more you think you have it the more you'll do it, the more you forget about it, the more the energy your excitement generates goes somewhere else.

A few years ago I also tried just resisting the urge out of practice. Of course really hard and not always successful, but i could prolong the time before i gave in, mixed it with meditation. I don't know if that helped in the longrun, but it was fun to test out my limits. The more hyper you are in general the more you'll get it and it will trigger i guess, so maybe my life has been less anxious.
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Well-known member
I have a nervous twitch which happens only when I'm some sort of confrontation. It doesn't even really have to be an actual confrontation, it can just be when someone is annoyed with me or accuses me of something (usually someone in some kind of authority).

The twitch itself is that my bottom lip goes making it look like i'm going to cry, which if of course wonderful when you're a 24 year old "man", makes you look like a total bloody coward/wimp. Which I suppose I am really.


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I use to get muscle twitching all the time when I was younger. At the time, I was a major hypochondriac, and I literally thought that I had some sort of disease, because my mind was wandering so far down the path of "what-ifs." I actually went to the doctor, and he told me that he couldn't find anything wrong with me other than slightly elevated blood pressure. Of course, I realize now that it was all related to a high amount of stress and anxiety, but a hypchondriac cannot shift their focus away from the idea that they may have any and every type of ailment known to man, and that every small thing is a symptom of that. Back then, the more I freaked out about it, and scared myself to death with what-ifs, the more torment in caused me, because insane amounts of fear causes psycho-somatic illnesses. Fear only creates and compunds every negative thought in the mind. Fortunately, I have matured in many ways and now understand that focus and strength of mind begin by will power.

Roman Legion

Well-known member
I get a shudder like you would see in someone that is freezing and all these years of seeing it, my parents still ask me "Are you alright?" I does not occur a lot.. No idea why I get that or what exactly causes it.


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I used to have a tic where I would always cough, but I managed to stop doing it. I also had other tiny tics related to anxiety, but I'm doing them less often now. I'm still always scratching parts of my face 'cause I feel an itch in social situations.
I noticed lately my left eye keeps twitching, and it only really seems to do it when I am at work. Maybe because I am anxious. Must be. Or maybe the strain, work really stresses me out. But it makes me feel more self-conscious, like everyone is noticing my eye twitching. Oh well, not that big of a deal.