Anyone else shy with low self esteem?


I have been shy all my life and even though I come from a family with talkative people, none of that rubbed off on me. It effects me a huge amount in my personal life. Although I married my highschool sweetheart and have a beautiful daughter, I still am so quiet around groups of other people. We have a couple we socialize with but its always me sitting there while they talk. The female hardly talks to me and I feel like she doesn't even try to befriend me. I make myself talk but come out like a fumbling fool. I have never understood how people can talk to other people so freely without thinking that they sound dumb. I wonder if shyness is a chemical imbalance... anyone else suffer like that?


Well-known member
The problem with people is that they're lazy. Instead of putting in the extra effort to try and interact with the shy ones, they just take the simple, easy route and chat to people with good social skills.


Well-known member
I'm really shy too. As for low self-esteem, well I definitely come across to other people that way.

But deep down I know I'm a good person, I just seem to have an incredible habit of throwing good things away. And if you do that often enough, it eventually erodes your confidence.

I agree! On both points, one that you're a great person and two, after some time of not being able to properly handle when good things come along it has a way of chipping out your self confidence bit by bit. After awhile you start questioning things like "Am I alone and waiting for the right person to come along or does no one like me?", it makes you question the way you do things when you know you're a good person. It will get better in most cases, you have to remember that yes, you are a spectacular person. You'll get there eventually, it just takes others longer sometimes.


Well-known member
Shyness because of low self esteem or vice versa?

For me it's both ways.....A viscious circle.


Well-known member
Shyness because of low self esteem or vice versa?

For me it's both ways.....A viscious circle.

This is so true. If I'm feeling good about myself (which isn't too often I'm afraid) I notice I am less shy around people. I'll talk a little more and feel more comfortable with myself.

I've always been shy even as a little kid (I'm pretty sure I didn't have low self-esteem then...) but it definitely got worse when I hit my teen years and my self-esteem plummeted


There's no one here shy or have low self esteem. We're just quiet people who hate ourselves deeply. So no, wrong forum.


There's no one here shy or have low self esteem. We're just quiet people who hate ourselves deeply. So no, wrong forum.

One positive thing that I can say about myself is that I don't hate myself.. I'd change about 100 things about myself such as physical and mental... But since God made me the way he did, I'm keeping my faith that he had a really good reason why he did...