Anyone else NOT own a cell phone?


Well-known member
I don't see the point in owning one because I have almost nobody to call. Still, I dread when people ask me if I own one because I hate that look you you're not from Earth. It annoys me that the average person thinks that EVERYONE must own a cell phone because EVERYONE has oodles of friends. Ignorance is bliss I guess.


Well-known member
I dont
I had one but lost it and i aint gettin another one coz i hate them
Those ppl always on them will just get brain tumors anyway :lol:


Cadaver, don´t call yourself cadaver, because in the end you will be the only survivor of this life threatening mobile phone mania. If I could, I would have gotten rid of my mobile long ago but life without is is hard in today´s society and getting harder as the phoneboxes are removed and the landline calls disadvantaged. I can clearly feel the effect of the mobile when calling, especially longer calls but even shorter ones, it is affecting my head. I even discovered that I can hear worse on my right ear where I use my phone most. In all, I am convinced that it can cause brain tumors, alzheimer and other diseases. I am thinking about ways to at least reduce my mobile calls as much as I can, definitely not doing calls that aren´t necessary. Or send SMS instead. And I must say, when I call from an ordinary phone, I do not get the feeling like it´s affecting my head at all, as I do with mobile phone.


Well-known member
I have one, but I'd say that it is mostly just for emergencies, like if I have car troubles. But there are times where I don't bother bringing it and don't want to carry it around because I just think, "what's the use? It's not like anyone ever calls me..."


Well-known member
I have one. The only calls i get is work related :( . Even at weekends i let it off because its useless.


Well-known member
Lea said:
Cadaver, don´t call yourself cadaver, because in the end you will be the only survivor of this life threatening mobile phone mania. If I could, I would have gotten rid of my mobile long ago but life without is is hard in today´s society and getting harder as the phoneboxes are removed and the landline calls disadvantaged. I can clearly feel the effect of the mobile when calling, especially longer calls but even shorter ones, it is affecting my head. I even discovered that I can hear worse on my right ear where I use my phone most. In all, I am convinced that it can cause brain tumors, alzheimer and other diseases. I am thinking about ways to at least reduce my mobile calls as much as I can, definitely not doing calls that aren´t necessary. Or send SMS instead. And I must say, when I call from an ordinary phone, I do not get the feeling like it´s affecting my head at all, as I do with mobile phone.

That's good to know. I may be embarassed about not owning one but I'll be healthier for it! Thanks.
I don't own a cellphone either. There is no point in my having one. I actually used to have one, but I never even used it once so they just cut off the serivce.


Well-known member
I dont use it much then when the battery goes flat, only THEN people try and call and a day or two later i'm being hounded with "why dont you return my messages, what is your problem" ...



I didn't have one until almost a year ago, when I got an apartment. People do call sometimes in the fall and spring, but never during the summer (when I live at home), though overall I find it more useful to just fiddle with in public so it looks like I'm doing something and not just staring into space. 8O

I also used to feel like people seem to have a negative view of anyone who doesn't have a cell phone. I was certainly questioned about it a few times, which is probably one of the underlying reasons why I got one :D


Well-known member
I have one, but it's mainly for contacting my mum if i'm going somewhere or messaging people I don't want to talk to. I hardly ever use it.
I don't speak to friends on it though, I have only one and i'd rather phone her up!

It's not normal to be a teenager that hates mobile phones :lol:


Well-known member
i have it as well.but my hp is sleeping in my drawer dad even cut the line service.i got used it until last year like when i went to study,working or text messaging my friends.but since this year i didn't used my cell anymore.i don't know what's the use of it now. :(


Well-known member
coriander1992 said:
It's not normal to be a teenager that hates mobile phones :lol:

haha,you're right.but it seems like hp is not very useable for us.unlike my friends she's always text messaging.i used to but not now.


Well-known member
I don't have a cell phone. And I don't miss having one. I agree they are great to have in case your car breaks down or an emergency. But I'll take my chances.

If I need to make a call, I use my land line phone. I don't care about status. Cell phones drain my wallet. And its not like I have alot of people trying to call me all the time. I can wait till I get home.


Well-known member
I completely know what you mean by looking at you like you're not from Earth when you've told them you haven't got a cell phone. :lol:

I don't have one basically because my dad wont buy me one. Probably the only reason why I'd like one is so I don't have to look like an idiot using the pay phone at school every second day!

I think it's the most annoying thing when it's all people do...just text and talk on their cell phones. A 'friend' of mine once spoke to another friend throughout the whole 30 mins we walked home from school. She didn't say a word to me until it was my turn off. I think that's so ignorant!


Well-known member
Drivemycar said:
I completely know what you mean by looking at you like you're not from Earth when you've told them you haven't got a cell phone. :lol:

I don't have one basically because my dad wont buy me one. Probably the only reason why I'd like one is so I don't have to look like an idiot using the pay phone at school every second day!

I think it's the most annoying thing when it's all people do...just text and talk on their cell phones. A 'friend' of mine once spoke to another friend throughout the whole 30 mins we walked home from school. She didn't say a word to me until it was my turn off. I think that's so ignorant!

There definitely seems to be no cell phone etiquette at all. Ignoring a friend standing beside you while gabbing on the phone seems to be the norm. I once saw a woman talking on her phone in a restaurant as if the man sitting across from her wasn't there any longer.


Well-known member
No I don't own one. I used to, although I never wanted or needed the damn thing. Most people I know are cell phone crazy, but I'd rather not even bother with the headache of having to decide on a plan that locks you into a contract for two years, and then needing to update my cellphone every couple of years.
If I get another one it will only be used for emergencies. Problem with that is I'll still be paying too much a month just to have the thing turned on.


Well-known member
I didn't get my first cellphone until I was 21 (I am 25 now.) The only reason I have one is because my car is scary, lol, and I would need it incase something went wrong. Also, incase I get lost.

Other than that, I am not a huge fan of them. I've went a year without it- and didn't really miss it much. A couple people would bag on me for not having one, but it didn't matter. I sort of liked it. I am not a huge fan of technology - really (though I do like the Internet, heh.)

And I hate how people act with cell phones. I was stuck in a car- between two people who were both shouting their conversations on cell phones. I just kept thinking, 'what is this world coming to?" And the other day I went out of my way to check on a product for a customer and when I came back she was chatting on the phone and had the nerve to give me the 'one minute' hand sign. Usually people tell their friend to hold on a minute. Therefore, I will never answer a phone if I am in line for something at a store or in a restaurant, etc.


Well-known member
I only got one about 1 year and a half ago mostly because I got a car so you have to be ready,nobody ever calls me except for 1 friend sometimes calling me to go out on vacation,I turn him down all the time maybe he just gave up and this girl who used to like me and I avoided her like the plague,she calls and immediately hangs up,her number is hidden,but I know its her because the only people that have my phone number are my friend and her,but I think they gave up havent heard from them for about a month.