Cadaver, don´t call yourself cadaver, because in the end you will be the only survivor of this life threatening mobile phone mania. If I could, I would have gotten rid of my mobile long ago but life without is is hard in today´s society and getting harder as the phoneboxes are removed and the landline calls disadvantaged. I can clearly feel the effect of the mobile when calling, especially longer calls but even shorter ones, it is affecting my head. I even discovered that I can hear worse on my right ear where I use my phone most. In all, I am convinced that it can cause brain tumors, alzheimer and other diseases. I am thinking about ways to at least reduce my mobile calls as much as I can, definitely not doing calls that aren´t necessary. Or send SMS instead. And I must say, when I call from an ordinary phone, I do not get the feeling like it´s affecting my head at all, as I do with mobile phone.