Anyone else go through the day barely saying a word?


Active member
It is true- even writing like this on the forum helps to get all those thoughts out of one’s head. Most of us who have been mute have incredible words going on in our heads- but- when we go to speak, we have no practice talking out loud- and words can come out jumbled.
There’s nothing wrong with being quiet; but when you’re there by default- quiet because you have no choice- it’s maddening.
Practice saying some version of; “could you speak a little louder? I have a hearing problem”—and smile when you say this. Practice this at home so the words become automatic. Your body language of smiling says this is not a big deal (even though you don’t feel it). The more nonchalant you are, the more they will see it as no big deal. And oddly enough, YOU start thinking of it as not a big deal.
Then, the next step is to practice throwing a question to them. This throws the attention off you- and gives you a little breathing room.
I have my own experience with this. I wear a large industrial respirator when I am out in public because of life-threatening reactions to common products. I have to throw my body language over the top of that respirator-to not let the respirator define me. I wave- smile with my eyes- and usually introduce myself by saying “Hi- I have allergies- that’s why I’m wearing this device.” People usually talk very loudly to me, because they can hardly hear me through the respirator!
Although I was also once mute, I honor my health problem in a way, because I never forget what it’s like to walk into a room and feel that all eyes are upon me. Which is what social anxiety feels like; they are the enemy pitted against me. So I never forget what it is like in the beginning for others struggling to conquer this—and you will!


Well-known member
This happens to me pretty often, not as much as it used to... though, actually I do talk to my pets a lot so no problem with little non human interaction, it's highly over-rated.

LoL Kiwong