Anyone else find their own family annoying sometimes?


Well-known member
My father is the only one like me. Likes peace & quiet, reading, watching TV. My 3 siblings are all extroverts who always have to be going out and doing things.


Well-known member
I find my family a bit too overprotective and intrusive, so when I've earned my degree and am in the financial position to do so, I'm getting my own place. It's one thing to be concerned and another to ban me from having a life outside of them.


Well-known member
I do, but I think it's a natural feeling. Almost everyone in my family is an extroverted chatty type (with the exception of my father) so they get on my nerves rather quickly...

Same here also every time they have to comment on how quiet I am or how I don't go out a lot,even when I try to explain the reason.I hate that.


Well-known member
I'm actually quite fond of most of my family. Especially my mom and grandma. The rest of the world on the other hand...


Well-known member
I came up with a theory the other day as to why I became so quiet and lacking social skills, and I think it's partly down to my mum. For years and years whenever I try to just talk about things or maybe make a lighthearted joke, she ALWAYS takes things the wrong way and accuses me of being rude or speaking with some sort of "tone". It's gone on for so long and still happens pretty much every day, that I think in the end I just accepted it and thought that maybe I was rude and shouldn't speak to people like that (which was in a totally normal way), so now I just don't speak at all really.

Thing is she's nice most of the time and worries about me and tries to help me, but I don't think she realises that it's her who has caused me a lot of these problems.

(And it's not just me either, she does it to other people in the family, accusing them of being rude or insulting when they are not trying to be).


Well-known member
I came up with a theory the other day as to why I became so quiet and lacking social skills, and I think it's partly down to my mum. For years and years whenever I try to just talk about things or maybe make a lighthearted joke, she ALWAYS takes things the wrong way and accuses me of being rude or speaking with some sort of "tone". It's gone on for so long and still happens pretty much every day, that I think in the end I just accepted it and thought that maybe I was rude and shouldn't speak to people like that (which was in a totally normal way), so now I just don't speak at all really.

Thing is she's nice most of the time and worries about me and tries to help me, but I don't think she realises that it's her who has caused me a lot of these problems.

(And it's not just me either, she does it to other people in the family, accusing them of being rude or insulting when they are not trying to be).

^^^ Exactly the same as me.

Is it wrong of me to say I dislike my brother; he drives me up the wall.

Firstly, I am incredibly sensitive and get hurt by almost nothing but here it goes. I have an old-fashioned interest in music. I'm only 21 but my taste in music ranges from the 40s to the mid-70s. However, he says that what I listen to doesn't make him happy and depresses him (which I find insulting and think he should grow up) because he can't dance to it in and have a laugh. It makes me feel like I'm abnormal and weird and that I don't fit in. I don't like modern music because I think that it's cold, mechanical bull****. However, I understand that he enjoys it and that's fine with me. I enjoy earlier styles of music because I believe that people could actually write tunes and melodies back then and I also love the subject matter of earlier songs. Why can I not just live my life and enjoy the things that I enjoy without having him pick at them (there are many other examples of him picking at aspects of my life but this is the most recent). Am I being overly-sensitive?


New member
I know that family is important, but I am often bored when I'm with them. When we go out somewhere like a zoo, I get really bored really fast.

I family meeting too, I often find myself bored, and end up faking that I'm sociable, fake-laughing at their jokes, and pretending that I'm interested their small-talk.

When we go to some entertaining place, like movies I don't have.
But I do love my mom very much, and I tell her that all the time.

I also have a great relationship with my brother and sister, although we don't to so many things together.