anybody here quit smoking??


Well-known member
Uh oooh... I just caaaaaaaaaaant!! BUT I've done it once... how??????

Punkrotten and mrb, how do you guys do it...
I just make a decision to quit and stick with it. I did this with drugs/alcohol too. You kinda have to get mad at the problem in order to change it.


Active member
I quit cold-turkey about a year ago now, from smoking 40-50 a day for a few years. Here are some guidelines that I followed:

* Nico patches do not help, they prolong your withdrawal symptoms.
* "Gradual reduction" also, does not work, it's like asking for a slow death.
* Remind yourself, the most severe withdrawal symptoms will subside after about 3 days.
* When you feel the need to smoke, ask yourself what benefit will it serve you and think what a weak person you must be giving into such primitive desires (not needs)
* Smoking does not relieve stress, it increases it.
* Keep yourself amused (I know that's hard for us home-bound SAers, but it's important; watch movies, numb yourself with video games, or even better do something constructive)

Good luck!
I smoked for over 4 years and decided to quit when my mom got sick...we were both heavy smokers. And i decided to become a blood/organ donor and wana register to become a bone marrow donor aswell. Don't want the recipients to be burdened with defective organs/tissue.


Active member
I smoked for about 12 years. I quit all on my own
I quit smoking 10 years ago and I can't stand the smell at all. I just said one day I'm never gonna smoke again and I have not since.
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Well-known member
I quit using the nicotiene inhaltors, nearly 21 years of smoking. The main element is will power.

Good luck.



New member
Well I quit drinking after an almost hit and run 11 years ago, maybe I will have a heart attack and be able to finally quit smoking..hah, but no I have tried 5 times gum, cold turkey, patches( those stupid patches squeezed weird vibrations into my arm) Good luck with your journey to quit! You can do it!


Well-known member
I use to smoke regularly during college, but I ended up quitting just by cutting down and not having a routine. WHen I smoked during college, the routine was one in the morning, one while walking to class, one after class, one after each meal, and one before I go to sleep. Routines make your body crave it more. But eventually, I just cut the routines, basically it went in reverse for me. I began as a "social smoker" only when I drink, then it became only when I'm stressed, and once you buy your own packs, you're screwed.

I say try to cut the routines first, then work in backwards order of how you started. I don't know if that made sense, but GL to you.


Well-known member
I smoked for 19 years and thought I was in for life. I just decided not to smoke one day (with the aid of patches), found it wasn't so bad and have been free for over two years.

My alcohol intake did rise quite a lot though. You may want to keep an eye on that ::p: .


Well-known member
I quit smoking 8 months ago, it wouldn't be possible for me if I was drinking at the time though, had to abstain from drinking alcohol for 7 months, only resumed my drinking a month ago. Can't say I miss smoking now.
So I smoked for the last time ever today (I hope lol)

I do drink a bit more now that I'm trying to quit, buuuuut when I'm drunk or tipsy my cravings get even stronger so it's not a good idea lol
I guess I'm fortunate enough to hardly smoke, I used to smoke two packs of Camels a day,then I stopped doing speed, dropped down to one, and now I smoke a single black n' mild or two a day, the only thing that bothers me the most is not smoking after eating,ahh.

My dad's been on the nicotine gum and inhaler for over ten years, cant shake it.haha