anybody here quit smoking??

I'm trying to quit but it's waaaay harder than I expected! If any of you quit already how did you deal with the cravings and stuff??

I NEED HELP!!! lol


Well-known member
Ummm...I have basically quit since I got pregnant, it was SO tough at first though. I'll tell you what helped amazingly, it was the electronic cigg. It was like smoking without the whole cancer part, and it really helped me just taper off naturally. I just started smoking less and less, and then I just kind of quit without even noticing. In my opinion, def worth the $$.

Good luck!
I never heard it but I dont dismiss that possibility. Of course not everything works for everyone. Im gonna try it though. Its not the smoking part thats hard, its the withdrawel.


Well-known member
I'm trying to quit but it's waaaay harder than I expected! If any of you quit already how did you deal with the cravings and stuff??
Try Allen Carr's EASYWAY. He debunks the brainwashing, and the false sense of security that many of us get from smoking.
Allen Carr Worldwide
Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking method has helped millions of smokers escape from nicotine addiction and find freedom from cigarettes. We have smoking cessation clinics in most major towns & cities of the UK. on AllenCarr website
YouTube - Canal de allencarrseasyway

All the best with it.
Trying to quit. Its really hard cuz its such a fast relief from stress, but i kno its not good for the body.


Well-known member
Trying to quit. Its really hard cuz its such a fast relief from stress, but i kno its not good for the body.

same here.stupid or not smoking is one of the reasons i bother getting up every day.i've tried gum in the past bu didn really help.its not the lack of nicotine but the lack of the feeling that smoking gives.its all brain staff again::p:
i stopped about 2 years ago now, smoked for 8 years, two reasons why i stopped 1 was because in Ireland they stopped selling packs of 10 and two the price of them now. I got up one day and said ok thats it i'm done and that was it. I stopped did'nt use any other aids whatsoever just will power it was hard for the first while and i was like a demon without the nicotine lol but then after a while the cravings went and the times i did want to smoke i said to meself "ahh its been a month now mite as well see if i can make it two" and so forth. So will power is all i owe my success to stopping smoking.
I stopped smoking 43 hours ago, have not had 1 cig. I have the nicorette gum but not sure if its helping, might just be giving me a placebo effect. Willpower is a huge thing, I jsut keep telling myself I can do it.


i stopped ages ago, i dont have a crave for it anymore, but to begin with it was like 'reaching for the packet' that wasnt there!
i try to avoid all Stimulants, including tea and coffee, soft drinks, anything with Caffeine in it

CAFFEINE makes me worse
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Well-known member
I quit in january, then started again over the last two weeks on holiday (been smoking like 10 a day) so now i have to go through the pain of quitting again. I'm just gonna try it without the patches/gum/etc though, some self-control should do it for me.

Well-known member
I've not smoked in a week, mainly because I've not been bothered to go out and buy any.

I did quit for a period of two years at one point, without the use of any gum/patches. The first month was pretty tough, then the cravings went altogether.

So I'd say willpower, going cold turkey is one of the best, albeit most difficult ways of beating the habit.

Still smoke now though, though its out of enjoyment rather than addiction. I seem to be able to switch off them for months and months at a time now.
I have tried about 500 times and failed :(
My man can go days without smoking and then suddenly smoke like 30 in a day, how mad! LOL


Well-known member
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