Anybody else have nightmare problems?

Lately I've been having them every night for the past two, maybe three weeks. Actually probably a month now, I lost count after a while. Mine are consistent in the content: my fiance is either murdered, raped, or she leaves me for another man. However it still feels as real each time. There was some author.. I wanna say Robert Louis Stevenson.. who claims that he suffered from chronic nightmares all his life. I'm not sure if it was him though it might be someone else. I dunno, I just thought it was an interesting, yet disturbing and unsettling fact. But I'm really sorry to hear that you've been having nightmares this long. If I went on having these nightmares for that long, I'd probably go insane. I would do some research on sleep cycles and sleep study in your case. If it's been consistent for three years, I think there definitely might be something wrong here (please don't take offense to me saying that, I'm just being honest). I would see a therapist of some sort or a sleep expert. Hope things start getting better for you.


Super Moderator
I have a few recurrent, unpleasant, dreams often. I had one of those today, but I got up feeling fine (for now)


Well-known member
I have nightmares from time to time. And here's a pattern I notice: everytime I have a nightmare or a series of dreams in sequence, I wake up dead tired. This also happens when I feel strong negative emotions in my dreams. I guess what happens in the dream world does affect the physical.
A post on socialphobiaworld recently mentioned that a certain medication (can't recall what it was) eliminates all dreaming, or so they say.

Also i have found recently, if i eat a heap of fatty food (eg peanut butter from the jar) an hour or so before going to sleep, then my dreams are more in number & vividness, which i dislike, as i tend to hate almost all dreams in general, as i wake up feeling really anxious & nervous, & sometimes also lonely & somewhat depressed or "spooked".

As a child i had "terrible" nightmares, according to my parents. I would wake up screaming at top of my lungs, covered from head to toe in sweat. And i did the odd sleepwalking as well.

In recent years, as an adult, i have started to be a bit more "assertive" in my dreams/nightmares. Walking thru a large room full of bloodied corpses & body parts - well, not much assertiveness i can do there! lol. That is my most violent ever dream. But on the odd occasion with a "normal" level of violence, i have recall physically lashing-out at my opponents :veryangry:, and upon awaking have found i had bloodied knuckles, a real sore/bruised foot (or excrutiating stubbed toe), or have kicked a box or something on or around my bed. lol.

But at the other end of the spectrum, and this is very very rare, i can have some amazingly stunning, beautiful dreams. Last night i had one about the planets of solar system, with a very small planet circling earth quickly (may have been that russian meteorite?). Another one i dream about seeing the Nibiru solar system being in our solar system. It was done so amazingly well, like a professionally-made video, yet i never seen on the web anything at all like that.
And of course i think my all-time favorite one as of late, is when i kissed Angelina Jolie on the lips :giggle: :perfect: (i called her 'Ang'). And then a bit later things were hotting up, and i was about to sleep with her - but DAMN IT i woke up!!! :crying: (i know i'm kinda anti-women, but for babes like that i make an exception!)
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Well-known member
Luckily I haven't had any nightmares in a long time, though I have had very strange and bizarre dreams before.


i have been suffering with nightmares a lot the past few days it happens on and off. it keeps me awake and i don't get much sleep people say i look horrible with my double bagged eyes. lucky i can't remember much of my nightmares they fade very quickly.


Well-known member
I don't call them nightmares anymore, just very vivid dreams, because I'm not afraid of them. I have an active imagination normally, so when I dream it's even more crazy. I don't take them seriously, they might have meaning I don't care to find out. Just be thankful when you wake up, that your back home in reality (that's what helps me) because sometimes it's difficult to realize it's a dream when your dreaming, but if you have the technique you can probably change the dream to something positive.
Personally I have nightmares regularly, they all have the faces of dead burned up bodies apparently stemming from my days as a fireman. I saw plenty of that in 5 years. I ain't gonna lie, it is haunting. I finally just learned to live with it I guess, I always see the dead that i/we couldn't save and hear sirens and emergency radio talk. I sometimes talk i my sleep during said nightmares and my wife says that I mostly talk in 10-code (dispatch, city engine 1, 10-8, 10-98 en route 10-72 structure, 10-30 traffic) apparently I have like dream conversations about the stuff. An uncle of mine who was in the Vietnam war and saw heavy combat has similar sleep issues only he requests air strikes and med evac helicopters in his nightmares. He also sees the faces of the dead. Unfortunately I have no advice on how to deal with it all.
when i was comming off my medication i would have the worst was like i was living in texas chain saw masacre scenarioes everynight. sorry i have no advice either.


New member
I have GAD since adolescence. And since adolescence my worries during the day caused nightmares at night. If there's no nightmare there is nothing. No dream. Occasionally I'll have one epic fun dream like a journey but that it. If you read up on supplementing magnesium, fish oil, VITAMIN B specifically you will find many folks on the Anxiety Spectrum have a low seratonin, B, and iron deficiency. Every food drink chemical and thought for us effects our day and our night so it's going to effect your dreams. Drink water, take your meds, exercise so your body gives out before your racing thoughts. Probably should avoid melatonin and ambien. They gave me such realistic dreams I'd be panicking asleep and wake up exhausted. That's just me though on that last one.