Any other super salt eaters here?


I consume a lot of salt. I practically douse all of my food with it and I even take shots straight from the shaker fairly frequently. I wouldn't say that I love because it feels more like a craving. Given the salt content of sweat, I would guess that this is a normal "feature" of HH and have always told family and others that when they mention how much salt I put on my food or something, but I thought I'd ask if anybody else here consumes lots of salt.


Actually I used to love salt until I found out that consuming that much of it can give you high blood pressure. And I have that now, so I barely use salt in any of the foods I eat.


Well-known member
I have HH and I'm not a big pile on the salt person. I do realize that us HH'rs sweat more salt than probably the rest of the general population.


Well-known member
I try to avoid salt/sodium because it increases blood pressure and I find that it makes HH worse.


Well-known member
I consume a lot of salt, but I have never thought of it in relation to HH. I have always preferred salt foods to sweet foods. Occasionally, I will eat sweets. I think what we consume definitely has a lot to do with how are HH is triggered


Well-known member
I don't consume a lot of salt but I'm a pretty big snack eater and I realized that. I've been trying to cut down my snacking down cause it doesn't seem to work with my moods. But I do get cravings from time to time to want to snack that does have a lot of salt. Like pretzels for example, lol.


Well-known member
Lol yes. I also take shots straight from the shaker.It's normal tosee me standing there for a straight minute just shaking the stuff on my food till it has a crystal coating xP I even eat salt on apples now. It makes them so much betttah! Try it..

I figure as long as its natural salt, at least it has sommme benefits... Like i doubt i'm iodine deficient


Well-known member
Definitely a big salt mother always used to shake her head when I poured copious amounts of salt on my food again :D...I also on occassion have put some salt in my palm to eat it without anything else and though I sometimes eat some sweets I crave salted peanuts and chips a lot more than sweets. I can take or leave things like chocolate, but I eat at least some chips/peanuts almost every day in the evening. I feel the need...the need...for salt.

I think it might be that through the excessive sweating you lose a lot of salt and start craving it...I doubt it's the other way around though (that excessive salt intake leads to HH).
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Well-known member
Don't eat too much salt... it can damage your organs, increase blood preasure, cause osteoporosis and many other health problems. Salt is necessary for our organism but in normal doses. I think normal dose is like few grams a day.


Well that's kind of the question I'm asking. Is it unhealthy for HH sufferers to consume extra salt, as it would be for people without HH? Do HH sufferers need extra salt due to presumably losing so much through sweating? I tend to think yes as I feel that I crave salt. If that's the case then the threshold for too much salt for a person with HH would be higher than a person without.


Well-known member
I don't buy this. I add salt to food but that is because I have a sophisticated pallet and can;t stand an under-seasoned dish. With regards to cravings, I am not a beast so I crave little but I am more partial to sugar than salt in general.