Any of you guys open up to certain people?


Well-known member
Do any of you guys open up or get extremely talkative to certain people? I mean sure we might have SA but aren't there people that open you up and make you really chatty? For me, I really open up to certain people at work but when working with managers I'm a more different quieter person. :) I think it's nice to come out of our shells at times. That's if we do though. :)


Well-known member
definitely! certain personalities can serve as a catalyst. i love people like that but i still cannot be too trusting because i've been backstabbed by people like that, as well.


Well-known member
The only people I open up to anymore are online. It's much easier (and safer) than talking to people in person. And if things go poorly, much easier to run away from or to ignore them. ::eek::

I still always feel like I'm wasting the other person's time, though, or like I'm bothering him/her. I never feel like I'm good enough for anyone, and that eventually other people will realize it and wonder why I bothered talking to them in the first place. Lots of times I probably come off as none too serious and perhaps a bit cocky, but it's just my way of trying to hide how terrible I feel about myself.

For example, at a pool party a few weeks ago a woman asked what my brother and I "do." He easily of still trying to find a job that will let him use that Master's degree in chemical engineering. Me? "I'm a professional heartbreaker." Too bad even that's not going so well these days.

Curse these feelings of inadequacy! :mad:

Edit: At the time, my pudgy, pale self was happily floating in a pool with no shirt on: just the kind of heartbreaker one would expect. But it sure was better than telling her I do absolutely nothing worth mentioning.

Also, it's not that I don't want to open up to anyone. I desperately do. I'm just so afraid of being judged once I do.
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Well-known member
errm sadly no. I don't know anybody with the same interests. I used to blabber about nature and dreams of mine and nutrition and the beauty of health, travel, ancient tribes, etc etc to my family, but, they don't look at me when I speak, they just say "...Do you always have to talk about that???... I don't want to hear it... I'm so sick of listening to you talking about this....". Sometimes they get really angry at me, so I barely speak at all in life anymore. I'm sorry my interests are different than theirs? I don't know? I feel as if i've done something horrible everytime I open my mouth! What's so horrible about expressing where I want to go in life, and talking about what makes me happy in life? ....


Do any of you guys open up or get extremely talkative to certain people?

Yeah,while I struggle around most people,there are some people I just seem to gel with really well. Especially online,and not so often but it does happen in real life too.

Definitively just seem to click with some people,though I still get a little bit paranoid.


Active member
my boyfriend is the one and only person i am totally open and honest with (except for you guys on spw :)). he knows pretty much everything about me and i've shared things with him i thought i'd never share with anyone. i tend to latch on to one person and become totally comfortable with them, and block myself off from everyone else, even close family members. but i like it this way. i can't seem to keep anymore friends than one at a time, and it's nice to have that one person i know i can always go to and talk :)


Active member
I'm the same way. I notice that I am very talkative towards people who I am close to, such as my husband of course, and my mom and dad. I can also get very talkative when communicating with my grandma and a few of my cousins I grew up with.

Other than that, I am really on the quiet side when around strangers, and people I sort of know but not close to. I even notice that I talk a lot more than my husband, mom, and dad put together, only when I'm talking to them. oops.


Active member
my boyfriend is the one and only person i am totally open and honest with (except for you guys on spw :)). he knows pretty much everything about me and i've shared things with him i thought i'd never share with anyone. i tend to latch on to one person and become totally comfortable with them, and block myself off from everyone else, even close family members. but i like it this way. i can't seem to keep anymore friends than one at a time, and it's nice to have that one person i know i can always go to and talk :)

I am the same way you are. My husband is pretty much the only one who practically knows everything about me. Although I am also close to my parents, but I don't share everything with them. So that leaves my husband - that go-to person I can count on and talk to about whatever - and be myself - whatever that is.
I tend to overshare with the wrong people. I mistake mere acquaintances for friends, but every now and then I get a well meaning person who also happens to be engaging and the conversation just flows. It's a wonderful feeling when that happens..


Well-known member
I seem to be much more open and talkative with people that I don't see as a threat or who I don't care what they think about me, but there are very few people like that. I dont' know if its a good thing because I genuinely don't care what those people think about me and can treat them badly sometimes.
I am more comfortable around my mother than I am around anyone but even then I can't be completely myself. She knows me better than anyone else yet there's still a lot she doesn't know.

I appear to be very open on the internet but I'm the complete opposite IRL. These are just words on a screen, I sometimes forget there are people out there reading them.


Well-known member
No one I know in real life knows how I feel or things like that. I only open up completely to people online, especially people from this forum. People in my environment wouldn't understand.