Any factors like twitching or your voice or appearance, etc affect your SA


Well-known member
Does twitching or your voice or appearance, or other factors affect your SA. One thing that really affects my SA is I have a really hard time elaborating or explaining things. I`m usually just a one liner at a time guy and when I explain things or elaborate on things or story tell everything gets all jumbled up.


Well-known member
oh man my words do that too. I can never explain anything without looking like I'm scared/nervous...just the other day was the first day in Comparitive Religion class and the teacher went around making us talk about ourselves. I sounded so monotone, I get tense in social situations and hyper-aware. I don't know what I was looking at, my mouth got dry...after I was done, this girl in front turned and asked me if I was from a town called "Howell" which is 30 minutes from me and I said "no" with a weird kind of blank stare and she turned back around. Either she thought I look like someone she knows, or that was a weird kind of 'flirting behavior' on her part. I feel like I gulp whenever any girl asks me stuff or talks to me in general. Like I'm being tested, I'm scared for some reason, and I fail every time lol
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Active member
I stumble over my words, I lose my train of thought and try end what I'm saying as soon as possible, my eyes start to water from nervousness so I need to look away. :(


Well-known member
I'm always worried about what my facial expression looks like. I'm often told by friends, family, even strangers that I look upset or "sick" and I know it's because of my discomfort around other people whether it be at school, the mall, even the street right outside my house. I try to keep my face looking normal but no matter how hard I try I can feel my facial muscles tensing up and whenever I accidentally come in eye contact with a stranger or just feel anxious in general I unintentionally start to glare and people find me to be unapproachable because of it.
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Well-known member
I'm always worried about what my facial expressions looks like. I'm often told by friends, family, even strangers that I look upset or "sick" and I know it's because of my discomfort around other people whether it be at school, the mall, even the street right outside my house. I try to keep my face looking normal but no matter how hard I try I can feel my facial muscles tensing up and whenever I accidentally come in eye contact with a stranger or just feel anxious in general I unintentionally start to glare and people find me to be unapproachable because of it.

I have exactly the same problem. This is at the moment the thing i'm most anxious about. My inability to control my face. I have the feeling i look scary to people because of it or very uninterested and bored.


Well-known member

Yeah same here. I need to blurt out a short sentence quickly, otherwise I trip over my words. I forget words and peoples names routinely and that complicates things even further. Quite embarrassing when I forget peoples names.