oh man my words do that too. I can never explain anything without looking like I'm scared/nervous...just the other day was the first day in Comparitive Religion class and the teacher went around making us talk about ourselves. I sounded so monotone, I get tense in social situations and hyper-aware. I don't know what I was looking at, my mouth got dry...after I was done, this girl in front turned and asked me if I was from a town called "Howell" which is 30 minutes from me and I said "no" with a weird kind of blank stare and she turned back around. Either she thought I look like someone she knows, or that was a weird kind of 'flirting behavior' on her part. I feel like I gulp whenever any girl asks me stuff or talks to me in general. Like I'm being tested, I'm scared for some reason, and I fail every time lol