Anxiety Attack?..


Well-known member
Has anyone around ever experienced an anxiety attack?

I got that coming and it's been years. It was really on high frequency years ago but I pretty much got it figured out because I was a bully target in school for my size and appearance, everytime there's P.E lessons I know somehow I'll end up at the doctor's room. It's kinda scary, not just for me, but it scares others away too ):

Then I had a year's episode of being anorexic and shed 29kgs in just 2 months. Frequency of the attack went down but now it's coming back up again..

..and it happens everytime I lost myself enjoying the food I'm eating.

Back then I'll just get the common panic attack where I feel scared for no good reason. But now.. it's not just a panic attack, ..I can't even recognise the people around me. It's like, I know I somehow know them in my life but I just cannot remember who they are!

And I don't want to bring it up to my mother because she is already troubled enough with her son (right, my brother).


Well-known member
I've had anxiety attacks a few times. I've also felt like I was losing my mind.. but maybe that's the same thing lol.


Well-known member
How did you get over it? I mean, did you just bear with it until it's over or are there any ways to stop it or something..

Its kinda torturing to the mind me thinks, even though for my case it lasts between seconds to minutes )):


Well-known member
Well I think that almost all of my anxiety attacks are at night. Idk, I just feel lonely and cut off from the world. Sometimes I hyperventilate, and usually I cry. I think that just letting it all out helps.. I probably don't deal with my emotions in the best way lol, so I'm not sure how to give you very good advice on this. >.<

I don't know if I've ever had an anxiety attack in public. I haven't really had that many of them. Lately I just feel really depressed when I lay down for bed. I'm tired of having no friends outside my immediate family and the few on the internet.

EDIT: I had my first anxiety attacks last year during my fall semester as a sophmore. I would just sit in front of my monitor sometimes until 3:30 A.M. stressing about everything.
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Well-known member
Oh.. well for my case they're usually in public, I can't possible break down in the middle of a meal with people around I think I'd scare all of them away (><)!

But I do suffer from those nasty attacks when I'm running on high fever.. )):

:/ I know how you feel. I do have friends but I sometimes I feel that no one ever really understands me and I feel that I'm usually alone. Or that I'm never important to them... feels like even if one day I were to disappear from this place none of them would even realise I'm gone, sigh.

Cheer up! (><) I'm bad at making people happy but if you need someone to talk to I'll be around (:)


Well-known member
P.S. I'm not always this depressed person that it probably sounds like. I have happy times too.. :p Let's just put it this way though: It's been a long summer lol.


Well-known member
lol no worries about it. It's good to know you have happy times :p

I'm sure everyone's got happy memories, just for me most of the time they're just masks to hide away from questions.


Well-known member
I haven't had a panic attack in years. Probably since high school. I remember two in particular. One, in art class, left me feeling like I was going to die from heart trouble very soon. The other happened when I went to get a shower before my tutor showed up.

But I've never had one in public. And every time I had one I just had to wait for it to pass. And like I said, I haven't had one in at least a decade. It seems I outgrew them and gave them to my sister.

But if you're having them in public, it may be best to inform others about it. No, they won't be able to stop them for you. But if someone thinks you look a bit off it would be much easier to just say "I'm having another one right now" than to try to explain the entire concept without freaking them out. My family has a history of anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. So when my sister tells us that she's having one right now, we can understand.

You could also go to the nearest ladies room (or another quiet, secluded place) and wait for it to pass. If you don't feel like explaining your attacks to people, you could always make up an excuse for your sudden departure. Just don't run away at top speed, or everyone will wonder if you're okay.



Well-known member
Yeah I guess you're right. But usually it happens when I lost myself in joy during a meal. One thing I noticed, I'm usually hyper and perhaps the one bringing up the atmosphere at the table when the attack seeps in.

I usually deal with it with just silence, I'd stare at the food I was eating and not look at anyone. I guess that's when people start to think there's something wrong with me. Most of them wouldn't approach me.. (they say I look fierce)

Did thought of hiding off to the ladies until its gone but I don't even dare move an inch when I'm in midst of an attack. Am I sick or what? I don't wanna be (><)