Anxiety around young people -Anyone else?


Or people around your age. I feel the most uncomfortable around young people. Could be a little older or younger, I'm 22. I consider people in their 30s to be young too so I can feel anxiety around them as well. I feel resentment, since I've have no friends and don't act like other young people do. It seems they are more judgmental, mean and shallow. I know not all young people are like that, the ones going through SA, depression, or anything else I think would understand me and not be mean to me or judge me. But it seems like most young people aren't like that, most of them suck. I have a lot of anger in me which stems back from the harassment I used to get from my classmates in middle school, I know, I'm still not over it, I've already talked to people about it. There is just so much anger and bitterness in me. It's almost like I don't like young people by default, out of fear, fear of being hurt, humiliated, or judged.

I don't think I act like a typical young person. I dress normally, I don't conform to one style of clothing, I wear what ever I feel like wearing. That's why I never really belonged to a "group" like nerds, skaters, stoners, rockers, hip hopers and so on, I just can't act one certain way. My car is a nice standard car, I didn't add much to it, except a new radio, it's not loud, flashy, obnoxious, or the same brand of car that it seems everyone else is driving. Why does it seem like people have to copy everyone else? especially young people, why can't people just act like individuals, instead of conformists.

I feel old even though I'm only 22. Maybe I'm an old soul. I always feel so much older around young people. Like I can't even relate to them. Like I ought to be somewhere else. I feel like one of those grumpy old guys yelling at teenagers to get of his property lol

But I'm not always like that. Sometimes I do act like a young idiot. Like when I see bands playing at small venues, I drink and dance to the good music, not a lot of people dance so I kind of stand out, and it seems everyone is staring at me but I don't give a ****. Or when I'm on the train by myself and listening to my ipod, and a good song comes on, I just have to move, the music is too good. I probably look like a weird loser, but at this point I don't give a ****, I have nothing to lose, no friends, nothing. Why do I have to act a certain way that everyone will approve of? **** that.

I guess this might of turned into more of a rant, but thanks for listening anyways.

Can anyone else relate to how I'm feeling?


Super Moderator
I don't really know because last time i've been into a group was years ago, they were kids my age and they were horrible, I was bullied by pretty much everyone. I think I'm uncomfortable around any kind of people, young or old, I just can't relate to anyone where I live. I'm like an alien.


Well-known member
I actually feel anxious around older people, because I feel they are so much smarter and wiser than me...I'm scared of saying something stupid.


Well-known member
I'm definitely afraid of people around my age or younger or a little older. I'm especially afraid of females my age or around my age, but I'm even afraid around teenagers. I hate being on a bus that's full of teenagers because they can be so loud & rude. All they do is talk negatively about people & make fun of people, even of others who are on the same bus as them. I always worry they'll start with me because I wouldn't do anything to defend myself.


Well-known member
I can relate 100% to what you are saying Jannah! I know exactly how you feel. I could not have said it better myself!!!
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