All Alone

Hi, I was wondering whether anyone has any suggestions to getting over social anxiety without going to therapy or buying books? Like, just little ways I can try to get over it any way? :s This probably sounds so stupid. -__-


Well-known member
Welcome to the site, poemfromtheheart :)

It's not stupid, it is common to want things in an easier way. I think the best would be to go to a professional therapist. For experience I can tell you it's not as bad as it seems (I know it can be scary).


Well-known member
Well, if you truly want to handle this solo, then the path will not be easy. It's going to call on you to do things that terrify you. You might break down through it. But, if that's still your decision, then you're just going to have to go out there and talk to people and comfortable with them. The more you ingratiate and interact with people, the more you'll realize that they aren't as scary as our mind is making them out to be. Go out and join clubs, hang out at the mall or someplace open, go to places that interest you overall. But, maybe talking to a therapist would do you some good.

On a side note, you're never "all alone", not here and not out there. There are friends and comrades out there, you just have to go find them:).


Well-known member
There is always the option of heaving yourself into the social world by getting out there, which is what a therapist would have you do anyway, so you are actually saving money if you plan on avoiding therapy.

I haven't had much success with therapy and books didn't much for me, either. I did learn some stuff in a book about worry, I guess.

It's tough because all people are different, so what works for one may not work for the other.


Well-known member
Getting yourself out there around other people. Practice, practice, practice. That's what my counselor tells me. Finally got the courage to see one this year.


Well-known member
Take little steps. As you start to progress within the steps I'm sure you'll start to manage it better it's what worked for me.
I started off talking to a friend, then hanging out, then going somewhere with lots of people (like a mall), then talking to complete strangers, then getting a job. Do whichever steps you feel comfortable with at the pace you feel comfortable and maybe you will begin to rid of it. Good luck.


Well-known member
You're never alone here. :)

Try watching videos from other people who also have social anxiety and see how they have dealt with it. It might help you too.