Alcohol as a temporary fix

I'd much rather smoke a blunt to be honest.
Really? I've always felt like while it alters my perspective, I'm so much more in my own head, making the whole "having to carry on a conversation" thing worse, because I just want to take it in a completely different direction.


Well-known member
Really? I've always felt like while it alters my perspective, I'm so much more in my own head, making the whole "having to carry on a conversation" thing worse, because I just want to take it in a completely different direction.

Hm, well it does do certain things for everyone. The majority of people on here feel alcohol helps them but I only feel worse when I do. It makes me feel as if I don't have control over myself if I were to drink too much and you always feel sick afterward. Smoking for me, it expands my mind and I enjoy it better because it's a controlled high. I've never had a bad one, I'm not in my head all the time wondering what people are thinking about me because I'm off in my own little world. I say everything that comes to mind because I'm not worried about it.
I'm terrified to even try alcohol because I'm afraid of losing control, not only over my actions at the time, but my dad's a major alcoholic so I'd be afraid of losing control over how much/when I drank (to put it simpler, I'm afraid I'd become addicted, as I have a very addictive personality).


I drink alot more now. It gives me more confidence when I'm around people and I get to hold something instead of standing around with my hands in my pocket.
I use to go into my own world when I smoke but it now it seems people can see me inside it. I think I want to try something new, maybe come out into the real world or maybe I'm just being conscious again.

The only problem with drinking for me is that I smoke to much cigarettes and I'm trying to quite. I am on my last packet.. no more!
Admittedly, I use alcohol as a crutch to compensate for my SA more often than is probably healthy. In any kind of large scale social situation, I'm always the first to grab a drink. Two or three drinks makes a world of difference.

I know it isn't a sustainable solution, but the effects are just so profoundly anxiolytic for me. It makes me feel like the person I've always wanted to be.:confused:

Cannabis, on the other hand, just makes me feel like a giggling idiot unless everyone else is partaking too, lol.


Well-known member
This is an extremely dumb question, but maybe they could make some sort of medication that centers around the chemical in alcohol that makes people sort of fearless

Well alcohol effects the GABA neurotransmitter which is one reason why it does calm anxious people down and there are medications that do this without inducing the side effects alcohol has, they are called Benzodiazepines and in my experience they work incredibly. They are very addictive though and have horrible withdrawal symptoms.

As for alcohol being a temporary fix, it definitely acts as one for me. one or two drinks might take off the edge a little bit but usually it takes a lot for me to feel completely comfortable. I personally like this temporary fix a little too much and have had drinking problems but it looks like you realize the bad places too much alcohol can bring you to and have the will power to avoid that. I would recommend talking to your doctor about benzos if you dont have an addictive personality. Im no doctor but i figured i would put my opinion out there.
I hadn't drank alcohol until a week ago. It was only two glasses of lite beer. I felt slightly less inhibited. I said things freer than otherwise, but I still felt the paranoid self conscious thoughts that I normally do. Maybe more would help, but my brain felt foggy and slow and I didnt feel like myself. Like others have said, it doesn't change anything as when I'm sober its back to how it was before. Anyways, I think I acted a little bit silly, and I don't like that.