Aging is truly the cruelest thing that happens in nature

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Now I'm only 24 so I don't have any gray hairs or wrinkles yet but the thought of it happening one day is tragic to me. It's bad enough I'm not completely satisfied with my appearance as it, then add to that the realization that it's only downhill from here and your youthful looks will one day fade. It's terrible, it really is. I don't mind dying one day but I just don't want to "look" old. If I could be 80 on my deathbed yet still look 20 then I'd be fine with that.

this post was inspired/triggered by this single post btw - View Single Post - guys!!!!!!!!!!

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Well-known member
Re: Aging is truly the cruelist thing that happens in nature

Every line tells a story, i think ageing is beautiful.


Well-known member
well im 45 and im not bothered no grey hairs yet no wrinkles , im sure they will come in the end but hey who cares , i look a lot younger anyway , i think i look 13 :) or maybe 14 at a push :)
Re: Aging is truly the cruelist thing that happens in nature

Every line tells a story, i think ageing is beautiful.

no you don't.






Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Spike, way to single someone out in a mean way.

I for one am glad not everyone places huge importance on how youthful and sexy people look.
Ageing is an incurable disease.

Humans are so terrified of it, that they'd rather not think about it... and when they do actually think about it, they pretend that it's not that bad...

People would rather believe in things that they are comfortable in believing in. E.g. that death is not the end of everything, and that there is an afterlife. That our lives actually mean something and that we are here for a purpose, etc.

I'm starting to digress, though.
Spike, way to single someone out in a mean way.

I for one am glad not everyone places huge importance on how youthful and sexy people look.

I'm having a nervous breakdown thinking about this

and what do you mean mean way?

Deathmedal was a cute lil kid, I'm sure he still looks that way......but that post triggered sometime inside of me. If he asked me to remove the link I would.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
I'm having a nervous breakdown thinking about this

and what do you mean mean way?

Deathmedal was a cute lil kid, I'm sure he still looks that way......but that post triggered sometime inside of me. If he asked me to remove the link I would.
You are clearly implying he doesn't look as good anymore since he aged--that is after all the theme of your thread. You don't think that's a bit mean, maybe? I'm pretty sure I'd feel like crap if you posted my 8th grade and said the same thing.
You are clearly implying he doesn't look as good anymore since he aged--that is after all the theme of your thread. You don't think that's a bit mean, maybe? I'm pretty sure I'd feel like crap if you posted my 8th grade and said the same thing.

Nope, sorry that is what you're implying. I would only feel bad if I posted my 8th grade pic ALONG with my current pic and THEN a thread like this was made. He hasn't done that. (he probably looks the same anyway but thats NOT the point) The point is that youthfulness doesn't last forever and that in GENERAL is tragic to me. Small, simple things trigger ideas in my head, and I decided to credit him for inspiration since I'm a sharing individual. You're digging too deep into something that isn't there fam.
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Well-known member
lol why?......

Because of the condition he had, which required him to have lots of surgery. What I'm saying is if you want to show the negative effects of aging, the photos should be of people who don't have physical conditions or diseases, because then you wouldn't know if they looked that way because of aging or their conditions. Make sense?


Well-known member
Nope, sorry that is what you're implying. I would only feel bad if I posted my 8th grade pic ALONG with my current pic and THEN a thread like this was made. He hasn't done that. (he probably looks the same anyway but thats NOT the point) Small, simple things trigger ideas in my head, and I decided to credit him for inspiration since I'm a sharing individual. You're digging too deep into something that isn't there fam.

But isn't that what you've been doing with these celebrity pics? Although they are not as young as 8th grade, it's still the same.
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