Afraid of females


Well-known member
I am extremely uncomfortable, and quiet around girls.
This is completely humiliating. I just feel embarrassed around them, and that they're better than me.


Active member
Cool_Un_Cool said:
I am extremely uncomfortable, and quiet around girls.
This is completely humiliating. I just feel embarrassed around them, and that they're better than me.

I know how you feel, but don't feel that they are better than you.

But unfortunately, many women today are very stuck up and rude, and are difficult to talk to, and approach.


New member
Me too...
The strange thing is I do all kind of crazy stuff like hard mountaineering routes and rock climbing.I'm planning to start flying gliders this summer.
I just don't know why but having to talk to I girl that I don't know scares me a whole lot more than climbing a new hard route I don't know(even if I can get hurt talking to someone whereas climbing I could...)
I did realize though that if she has some of the same interests it's a lot easier to get a conversation going.Too bad it's there aren't that many girls that like climbing or flying....


Well-known member
Why is this so common about males being horribly shy for females? It's a good question. :?


Well-known member
Infected_Malignity said:
I hear ya. Vaginas are scary as hell


*looks down*


tomcat_ct said:
Me too...
The strange thing is I do all kind of crazy stuff like hard mountaineering routes and rock climbing.I'm planning to start flying gliders this summer.
I just don't know why but having to talk to I girl that I don't know scares me a whole lot more than climbing a new hard route I don't know(even if I can get hurt talking to someone whereas climbing I could...)
I did realize though that if she has some of the same interests it's a lot easier to get a conversation going.Too bad it's there aren't that many girls that like climbing or flying....

There's a few of us about if you look hard enough! :wink: I haven't tried it yet, but I'd love to go hang-gliding, parachuting and rock climbing. Oh, and scuba diving!


princess_haru said:
Infected_Malignity said:
I hear ya. Vaginas are scary as hell


*looks down*

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I admit that i am also scared to death of women... or attractive ones, anyway. Come to think of it, even women I'm not attracted to can be intimidating. But I've bitched about it so much in my life that I feel like complaining has become redundant at this point.


Well-known member
I'm a bit uncofortable around women...ya that's true......but I think I possibly may be getting a bit better as of late in a round about way.



I have trouble conversing with women. I tell myself most women are shallow so we would have nothing in common to talk about, but I doubt I'd be able to talk to a girl that I do find genuinely interesting.


Well-known member
My problem is mostly that I can't have much conversation in general and of course then less with the opposite gender. :/


Well-known member
I'm a girl and I'm uncomfortable around women. I feel so inadequate around them all the time. If they are smart, or sweet, or kind, or gorgeous, or have a great sense of style, or amazing personality I envy them. Basically I find something enviable in every woman I meet... I even envy their flaws because they seem more natural than mine!

I'm strangely more comfortable around men... I can be myself and just relax because they never think of me "in that way" so I never feel pressured or judged and I never fall into the trap of comparing myself to other men.

The only problems arrise when I think that they think that I think of them "in that way"... then I run like the wind!