a virtual world. to overcome sa.???


I would love to learn to cope with sa. and I have a great idea.
And i wonder if it exists. What about a virtual world, on the computer,
where you can learn to cope with sa or other anxiety problematics.
Like practice holding eye contact, hold a speech for a huge amount of people, approach people, make friends....& so on!!!

Does anyone know if this is already on??

Yeah I know about sims and those games, but I mean games who are really about to cope with sa.... Or not even a game, more like a real therapy online.

So..... yeah.

Saskia, I know that the university in my town has some online therapies for phobias such as spiders. I think these are student-run projects. Maybe the universities in the Netherlands have something suitable?

Found this
only for people in Australia though

Try googling 'online anxiety treatment' in dutch
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Well-known member
Some universities have virtual places - not sure if anything specific for SA.. Some therapists work online too.. (by e-mails, skype or webcam..)

Then there are some 'dating games' but not sure how realistic or advisable those would be? (Heard about them in anime/online)

On one hand it could be a good idea, starting easy, making things more difficult with each step.. On the other hand, I think many people are already too addicted to internet, so...? (Maybe just bracing themselves and doing 'small steps' in RL would be better?)

Have you read the book 'Meeting people is fun' yet? (Maybe your library has it?) It says to first talk to eg friendly shop assistants etc, and then go up the scale..


Well-known member
I play runescape. It's an online community and a pretty fun game... Haven't been able to get on much lately because of school though. :( But yea, I've met good friends on it.