a not so fun situation at work


Well-known member
So, i screwed up yesterday.

I wont say it was really big per se, really just my pride was hurt more than anything.

Before i go into this, let me explain a small but used-to-be-constant background problem thats probably compounded which might explain yesterday better. Ive mentioned before that i have problems oversleeping. like alot. I used to be late for work by 10 to 30 minutes twice, maybe 3 times a week for the last yr. I wasnt proud of it and knew it was a huge problem and ive only very recently been able to start to get a handle on it. My boss and his bsos never said anything but i could tell they werent happy about it. But, im happy to say my efforts have started to pay off, in the last 2 months ive only slept in twice, and thats HUGE for me.

So anyway, back to yesterday.

I get in to work, 7:25 am, i start at 7:30. I was happy, proud of myself that i got in on time again.....and then everything stopped when i realized id grabbed the wrong set of keys and couldnt get into the building. So now im screwed, my boss doesnt get in untill 2 pm (tough life!) and no one else has a key to my office. So i had no choice but to turn around, go back home, grab the stupid right key, and come back. I didnt end up getting on to our support system untill 8:20. Right away i sent off an email just explaining what happened, and that id taken steps to ensure i wouldnt make that mistake again.

Well, i got a long winded email, thereatening a writeup if it happened again, and got told not to hope for a raise this year. It wasnt as simply stated as that, but had alot of....anger in it shall we say.

Needless to say this really ruined my mood for yesterday and threw me into a mental crash. Im not angry at anyone, it IS my fault, i made the mistake, but what got me the most is no one believed me when i said i really didnt sleep in, this was just a mistake id made, human error.

Ive recovered, slept hard last night and am hitting things again today. My boss said we would have a meeting about it later this week but im not too concerned, it will be more of a "dont do that again" talk than anything else.

Anyone else have a depression crash after a situation like this in the workplace?


Well-known member

i deal with insurance companies all day long and there is nothing worse for me than not getting what i need from the reps i have to speak with...it's like banging my head against a brick wall over and over. i get so frustrated by the time i get off the call i'm crying or close to crying...then i'm depressed and moody all afternoon.

it sucks getting reprimanded or not getting what you need from people in order to do your job.

i feel ya dear...it's rough.


Well-known member
Yes, I have felt that way before. And, I really hate when you are doing well, then something happens, and it suddenly isn't so good anymore. I think it's great that you've gotten a handle on your time management issues and that you owned up to the fact that you made a mistake.
By the way, I would be very concerned if I were in your situation--I tend to over-analyze things, and would be freaking out until the meeting is over, so I'm glad you're not doing that. :)


Well-known member
i think its only natural for people to feel a negative emotional response when on the recieving end of those sort of situations. compouding is usauly an issue like you mentioned. i have been in a somehwat similar situation, i avoided the 'talk', and the issue did compound into a nightmare. i admire your courage to stick the first part out. it will be less painful in the long run.


Well-known member
LOL, the courage is fake. inwards im terrified. Im just good at putting up a brave front to everyone at work.

Im a believer in the positives though. Everything is alright in the end. if its not alright, then its not the end.


Well-known member
LOL, the courage is fake. inwards im terrified. Im just good at putting up a brave front to everyone at work.

Im a believer in the positives though. Everything is alright in the end. if its not alright, then its not the end.

That to me is proof it really is courage!


Well-known member
I am sorry to hear this. I know from my perspective if an employee under me is late often enough I do discipline them. It really hurts everyone at my job, if you show up late. How come you can't get to work on time. Do you sleep through your alarm?


Well-known member
Aw-- ever since my first 'real' job as a 15 year old, I've felt like I'm constantly in danger of getting fired.
Always on edge at every job I've had.
Always anxious and paranoid.

There will always be situations where you screw up and it's the boss' job to scold you.
I could suggest you try doing what I do - but it may detract from your manliness... (I cry. haha. I always cry when I get yelled at, and then they feel bad and go a bit easier on me)
I don't do it on purpose... I just can't stand conflict or getting yelled at, especially.
It stresses me out to no end.

-- Oh!
I took 3 quizzes and was scored as a Vulcan every time, btw.


Well-known member
I am sorry to hear this. I know from my perspective if an employee under me is late often enough I do discipline them. It really hurts everyone at my job, if you show up late. How come you can't get to work on time. Do you sleep through your alarm?

Im not exactly sure why i cant, though ive been working on this. It just seems no matter how early i go to bed, many times ill sleep right through my alarms (i have 3).

Thats changed the last few months, with me keeping a way more normal sleep schedule, not playing videogames or watching tv at least an hour before i try to sleep, and not eating dinner within 4 hours of going to bed. Thus far its actually helped quite a bit, thankfully.

I also ordered a tocky alarm clock that runs around the room and you have to catch it to turn it off, lol. Wifes idea.

Everything is fine now, we had a meeting and my boss' actually apologized to me for what they say was "going off the handle". He was already in a really angry mood about somthing unrelated and i was just the icing on the cake. Im still working on things and this morning was another one of my days where i was on time, so things are looking up.

Could be alot worse thats for sure!.

I never take it personally when my boss has to have one of those talks with me. He hates that part of his job, and hes a really good guy. But, and he and I have talked about this before, regardless of whether or not we get along well he still has a duty to do. I would also do so were i in the same position. It sucks, but it is what it is.

Bosses arent bad!