A little introduction


i guess i should do an introduction about myself. mmh
well, i'm a 21 yrs old boy from europe and i suffer from social anxiety. (like everybody else on this site i think)
i am a college student (computer science). Even though SA is making college a living hell for me.
But i really like what i study, so i keep on.
I also suffer from depression. and have some borderline tendencies. what a mess:mad:

ok, done with the depressing part:D

ehm.. what can i say.. i play the piano, i love music (almost every genre.. but i prefer stuff like rock, metal, post-rock, punk, classical, blues), i also like good movies (definition for good movies: Eraserhead (1977) - IMDb ) videogames, books.. the usual stuff.

i also like writing and composing music. which are..uhm..the two major things in my life..i guess..
well, that's it.

hello to everybody.:)


Well-known member
Hey ! Welcome to SPW, lots of supportive people here so if you ever need to talk I'm here and I'm sure alot of others are too !


Well-known member
Hey, welcome to SPW:)! I'm sure that you can overcome your SA for college! I like writing and video games as well, so we've got some things in common:D! I hope that you enjoy it here!