A Lemur's Tail


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Yesterday, Saturday, was the last day of this short film. 12 hour day. But it was awesome. I had to drive an hour to get there, this house, and I just mentally somehow put aside that most embarrassing mistake the first day; with an adage to "a wiseman treats everyday like a new life, the fool treats it like any other".

I wasn't AS worried about making mistakes, I asked questions when I wasn't clear, instead of not like the other 2 days, and realized everyone made some stupid mistake throughout the day. Everyone's cool on the crew; no need for me to let one bad moment define me and ruin this whole experience!

NOW - A lot more waiting around - so a lot more social interaction. THAT became my focus. I was quiet for a lot. Except more one on one interactions I just am a little better at conversing. Still - I realize - how sheltered I've been - lack of living, of experiences, is the reason my minds slow, I can't keep up in conversations, I'm simply unfamiliar with a lot of discussions. Quick witted jokes rarely come to me because I don't experience them like other ppl do.

I've learned a lot, I should have done stuff like this when I transferred to film school 3 years ago, ergo the real POINT if film school. For 3 years I didn't, except a few classes, nothing like this. It makes me sad I've missed out on a lot, I see other ppl's who are younger than I on the crew, 21-23, with way more experiences in FILM and thus socially, years ahead of me... but that can't be discouraging. That's discouraged me before and time doesn't slow down the gap only widens.

As mentally, physically, emotionally draining and exhausting as these 4 days were... been best time I've had in a looooong time. Despite my frustrations socially, I WISH I could converse like ppl where... not everyone were chatterboxes but just had interesting, funny stuff to say, observations, connections, etc. I am sure tho if I experience more (experience = knowledge), relax, seek more help - that'll be easier for me to do too.

I don't have to believe it's just ME, my genes, etc. my minds slow, forever, I'll never be able to be real funny, insightful, fun in a convo or socially - and destined to be quiet and reserved and worried forever. WRONG! That attitude I HAD for 2/3 days we filmed, because of my embarrassing mistake the first day. I'll choose to remember the awesomeness of the last day, despite not being very social... I WISH I was - but I wasn't - it's a step in the right direction; long as I keeping stepping ahead.

I want to thank EasySkankin' and EscapeArtist for kind of inspiring for the last day of this shoot, so it could end on a positive note.
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Well-known member
Oh wow Deus way to go!! Sounds like you had a really good time!
Asking questions and realizing everybody was making small mistakes - that's a big revelation! Kudos to you for asking the questions. These things so sound simple in words but when you actually experience what they mean by putting them to action.. that's the true progress. You really gained a lot from that experience it seems. Wow I'm really impressd/inspired by how you handled everything, turning everything into a positive and realizing that you don't have to be "really social" to have a good time. 'm so impressed and happy for you! Step by step by step...and you're definitely going to get out of this cycle


Well-known member
I don't have to believe it's just ME, my genes, etc. my minds slow, forever, I'll never be able to be real funny, insightful, fun in a convo or socially - and destined to be quiet and reserved and worried forever. WRONG! That attitude I HAD for 2/3 days we filmed, because of my embarrassing mistake the first day. I'll choose to remember the awesomeness of the last day, despite not being very social... I WISH I was - but I wasn't - it's a step in the right direction; long as I keeping stepping ahead.
I think you've found the right mindset. Focus on the process - not the results. The fact that you're getting yourself into social situations is all you need to do; you'll get better at them as you learn. I like to compare it to someone who's learning how to paint; his first painting is probably going to be bad - if he chooses to focus on the bad results, he's going to give up and never become good; but if he focuses on the process and just keeps on painting, he's going to get there eventually. Social skills are just that; another skill you can learn, and I know you'll get there. :)


Well-known member
I think you've found the right mindset. Focus on the process - not the results. The fact that you're getting yourself into social situations is all you need to do; you'll get better at them as you learn. I like to compare it to someone who's learning how to paint; his first painting is probably going to be bad - if he chooses to focus on the bad results, he's going to give up and never become good; but if he focuses on the process and just keeps on painting, he's going to get there eventually. Social skills are just that; another skill you can learn, and I know you'll get there. :)

Thanks Dutch. Focus on process, what I'm trying, and realizing, much as I WANT to be at a certain point NOW, it'll take time to get there. I'm older than I want to be, I feel like I missed out on many years... but the real shame would be missing out on anymore. No mas! Nein.

I go forward. This week was slow, after the big film shoot; 2 days of school... nothing... feel back to where I was weeks before this big film shoot event in my life, BUT --- there's a glimmer of difference. I feel more hopeful. Despite, being at home now... and through the weekend... a recluse again but I realize this process... there will be stuff to do in the future, if I allow it, and I must allow. It.


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Letting go and STARTING, hardest thing. Tonight went to a very eye opening meeting of projectcensorship.org at my school. For one of my classes. I'll get to the point not about the content which heh I could get into great thing... but social of it; there was a few girls and one from class I wanted to speak to, had 30 minute break with food. I didn't.

Break over, and sitting there realizing I could be 18 now not my age... school be over for good in a few weeks and Im doing what I usually do or at least last 3 years... and you miss 100% of the shots you dont take. Not even expecting anything just make conversation. So I think after its over I'll do something, except the girl from class leaves early and I get up like a stalker to follow and sit back down realizing lol.

Anyways... heh writing this seems like so little and was. Initiating is hard; once it happens Im good. Not great, doesnt lead always further but... more comfortable.

I dont know just losing school kinda now of course want to do all these things... not gonna let more of these situations slip by and cower to the moment and kneel to my fears then; nothing to lose by trying became so clear now... I knew this years ago I figured out lost that after stuff happened and I got in this pitiless hole for last 3 years. But just hit me tonight, wow these moments wont happen soon dude, no more next time, next class, next semester... and any wasted moments are for what.

Miss 100% of the shots you dont take, I said that earlier to someone today, I knew that 2-3 years ago and was taking my shots, and I didnt take my own advice today tho I tried last minute but the buzzer ran out. Time to come out and take some shots again, even if I miss them and I definitely will.


Well-known member

Good day. Helped someone with their school project, at school all day. More relaxed. Tired, but relaxed. Talked to a girl from a former class who was helping; nice basic convo... still; better than no convo or being nervous.

My main class - girl in my group I "liked" - I forwent battling hmm what should I do; does she like me, etc. She moved further anyways.

But instead the opportunity presented itself to go get coffee/lunch and just hang out. Class was canceled, professor gave us time to work on our projects. She had other work she wanted to do and wanted to find a place to sit down and do it here since she commuted a long ways now didn't want to go back home so soon, 3 extra hours to burn. It was a warm day. She was wearing a hot skirt. Come on.

I had coffee and she was going to get some and I said. "Why dont we get coffee eat or something get some work done". And we did. I mean... nothing more really happened. I've been out of doing this sort of thing for 3 years. It was nice. Expected nothing more than just enjoying the moment.

Negatives abound of course; I was relaxed, but my voice... just mumble a lot annoying. But I wasn't all quiet; wasn't that talkative neither was she; but yeah. Didnt really care for once. I guess school ending kinda enjoying everything now being mindful. Not beating self up.

Only two regrets... I didn't compliment her right away when we bumped into eachother about her get up. I commented jokingly on her "shoes" these foot shaped shoe things... looks silly imo and joked that. Def easier for me to play around than say a genuine compliment. BUT glad I didnt try to force something by the end when we left...

And leaving wasn't awkward but; should have hugged or something have before after her big shoot. But I couldnt get out of my chair. Laptop on lap and yeah. Whatever tho... small thing.

ANYWAYS... I can easily go back in head over day about what I didn't do; but, I'm done with that. I MEAN of course need to analyze that to a point so I can work on fixing things and improving on things I didn't do that I wish/wanted would have liked to have done.

MOST OF WHICH WAS AFTER THOUGHTS... which is an IMPORTANT distinction, NOT DURING - or in the moment... and not doing something because of anxiety/nerves/negative thoughts. Sure a few, VERY few of that happened... but a lot more were after thoughts after all said and done. "Ohhh wow why didn I bring THAT up?" or, "Hmmm thinking back I why didn't I do this...".

Anyways hopefully this streak of positive mindfulness continues long after school...

Altho I can already feel it slipping just being home in the environment that perpetuates my SA and negativity/bad habits. Getting out is the key. Plain and simple. I am more likely to do more just out... just tough when home for more than a day. Can't let my environment control my feelings and activity.

ANNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDD Cant start to think back and look into things like every little thing I did or what someone else was thinking about me. I am what I am when I am, is what it is, take it or leave it.
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Didn't write this yet. Last day of class was Thursday, screened my cinematography class final project. Good response. Was worried it wouldn't play properly had issues exporting the file. But anyways... got one of higher grades in class for it. Unexpected response. Gonna miss that class and school as...

That was my final class ever! Good way to go out. I'll post it sometime soon.

Tomorrow/today is my Graduation, long coming. Been sad about it ending an all. Try to enjoy tomorrow... and then who knows...


Well-known member

So... today was commencement. Long time coming. Got back just now. Going to dinner with family. It was longggg day but nice... *sigh* our cinema reception afterwards... well... I said goodbye to all the people I knew well and would consider friends. But... they went through names, to go up on a mic in front of everyone and say words. I choked. I couldn't... my last name is S and down in the alphabet too much waiting... not enough booze... so I left...

I even roamed aorund for a bit hoping they'd pass me but no. Oh well. Regressed a bit there just Im sorry if my name was early, I'd have done it. Tooo much time to think and wait I just need to get it done right away something like that. Waited 30 minutes just bleh. So Im sure many could relate there...

One little win for SA, made me really sad at first I mean, last thing with ppl closest to at school your major dept. but - I had way more victories than not this semester and at the end, one moment can't define me just because it was the "last" moment... so whatever! I said goodbye individually to the ppl I wanted to. That's all that matters frankly, tho I hate giving into an SA moment esp at the end there, never good feeling, but cant hold onto that moment...

GOOD DAY THEN. Otherwise... hopefully I'll be back to my normal self soon. If anyone cares. (yeah passive underlying statement for sympathy =D ... )
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Good on you lemur!:)


Well-known member

Good for not letting that one moment define you. You overcame a lot of challenges this semester, indeed! Be very proud, I am!


Well-known member
Thanks. So easy to let such a moment be defining but time to make new defining moments, better ones. Can only learn and grow, even if it seems you keep doing the same mistakes/habits you've done for what seems forever. =D Thanks guys.


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Well not so chipper today - no more safty net or future decided - aka more school to go back to - NOW that I am GRADUATED. Exciting and scary at the same time.

Hardest thing will be seeking real help for my wonderful issues impeding me from living, talking to parent/s just dont understand certain things... but I cant do it all myself.

I was never good at future planning, so blah I need to see like where I want to be in 5 years, 2 years... bahhdewudw I dont wanna grow up, Im a lazy sloth kid... no wokrkrwe

Also realized how few ppl in my RL, school, actually give a ****. Handful I can say I mean I wasnt opening myself until the last 2 semesters but... I can easily be forgotten now. But that's on me, a deep part still wishes that I suppose in a weird, sadistic way.


Congratulations on your graduation :)

I hope you're still feeling okay. Doesn't seem like it from the above post, but I'm not going to assume :p


Well-known member
Thanks again for wishes.

Today I woke up feeling great, went to bed feeling great and inspired, and suddenly my mood dropped like John Edwards political career. (GAH my minds stale I couldnt even think of a good analogy... that was it... =/

Anyways I don't know my minds scattered, stomach feels in a knot, sick. Maybe it's irritable bowl or something. No but hmm my mind is too... keen to remain in its "bad" state when Im home. With no certain future atm even worse.

HOWEVER - now that I got that out... I must FOCUS on little things.

Also, cant be on SPW 24/7 it cant become my only social outlet that'll slow things down. Much as I love peeps here =D Then again, its better than nothing.

Also post some "film" projects I did this semester for class. I really need a camera so I can actually film stuff. Thats whata need. Need money first. Donations anyone? :D


Well-known member
Hey Lemur,

YAY for the progress & for graduating!! :)

As for donations - get a blog/site and Paypal buttons for donations? :D You can put them on FB and elsewhere?? Have you heard of kickstarter.com - if not, check it out!! (They do take some %, some people raised a lot of money through them though-??)

(Personally I'm in the 'need $$$ too', before I can donate, there are some people online with extra $$$ who might be happy to support good projects though??)

Transition from school to.. other stuff can be scary yup, on the other hand you can learn all sorts of interesting things 'as an adult' too, and meet all sorts of interesting people too!! (Some people meet their significant others and new friends at work or through career-related activities etc!)

So good luck in your further projects!! :)


Well-known member
Yeah Feathers, thanky. My last "relationship" was through work. That was a while ago tho =/ But anyways I would use the donations for my own selfish needs I'm afraid... well, no towards film gear which would add up one day to a good project... lol. Eventually... a lemur needs to live first! =D

Yeah I should post the stuff in next few days Beat.


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My brain is mush. I don't like posting negative things esp involving myself but - bleh. Just can't keep letting fears, environment, others and outside factors dictate my perceptions and then enslave my emotions/feelings and thus my actions to them. Gotta focus on the now. But... blehbeeeeeweeeee okay. ZTake a breath - get off my pink lemur butt and do something. Just do it - don't think of tomorrow or later just now. So. Eat. Gym. And then I have no frakin' clue =D