A Day On Klonopin (Clonazepam)


Well-known member
Kpin definitely worked wonders for me, thats for sure.

It's good to see you are aware of how addicting benzos like Klonopin can be and realize that you can't take them all the time as well. I can tell you from first hand experience how bad life sucks when you do resort to using them every day or even multiple times per day because I used to abuse klonopin and xanax and not only do they erase your memory but when you dont have them, the withdrawal is HORRENDOUS. I thought I was depressed without going through benzo withdrawal and when I was withdrawing it was sooo much worse. So it is good to hear that you have a responsible mentality regarding the frequency in which you take them because I did not and it was horrible!


Well-known member
Kpin definitely worked wonders for me, thats for sure.

It's good to see you are aware of how addicting benzos like Klonopin can be and realize that you can't take them all the time as well. I can tell you from first hand experience how bad life sucks when you do resort to using them every day or even multiple times per day because I used to abuse klonopin and xanax and not only do they erase your memory but when you dont have them, the withdrawal is HORRENDOUS. I thought I was depressed without going through benzo withdrawal and when I was withdrawing it was sooo much worse. So it is good to hear that you have a responsible mentality regarding the frequency in which you take them because I did not and it was horrible!

Thanks for sharing your experience.

Well go you! once you get used to being more confident you wont need the meds!

Oddly, I didn't feel more confident or sedated or even euphoric. (something that you might feel with alcohol.). I felt my chemicals were in balance. I just felt balanced and normal. But, it's not a pill that I can take regularly. Only on a special case basis.


Super Moderator
I currently take a little less than 0,5mg every night (half a pill). It helps me sleep better.

I increase the dose to 0,5mg when Anxiety is too severe, like during a panic attack, it helps me calm down, but also makes me feel a bit tired.

I was told it's a really low dose, but it feels just right to me o:


Well-known member
I've been taking Klonopin for a year and a half or so. Not every day, only for really stressful social situations. Like going to parties or job interviews etc.

It doesn't really make me more social. Just a bit more relaxed in social situations. I do like it, because it's certainly better than nothing. But it's not a miracle cure by any stretch of the imagination.

If only they could make a pill that makes me want to be social, like when I'm drunk. Except not have to deal with the negative impairments of being drunk lol.


Well-known member
is it much sedative? if i use it before exam it will feel sleepy during exam or interview?

Everybody's chemistry is different. I didn't feel sedated that doesn't mean you won't. Keep in mind, this is a very addicting and dangerous drug. Talk to you doctor for more information.


i m not under treatment of doctor. am just listening audio series of Dr Richard. i have only one sever probelm that when i sit with friends they laugh at me in frndship joking than i will so anxious just like i will stRt to cry... otherwise am normal i can talk even strangers and go outside easly.... only one problm is in sever zone which i told u i wanna overcome it...

let me know that any drug which will b safe to take and much effective for few events as am going with friends i will take drug as i will nt feel shy... not much addictive and side effects ... and effective for the moment... u know such type of drug???


Well-known member
you should google anxiety coach...it's really enlightening to see how our protective(escaping) methods keep the anxiety alive.

i tried clonazep for a year...but i never like it as it made me confused, sleepy (i don't even remember now how i felt)...but somehow i got over it. i mean i did not get addicted as i did not use it daily. 1 mg is a lot i think..i was taking .25 mg or something...be careful.

wishing you to overcome all the fears/anxiety etc etc.....
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I am taking 1 mg of Klonopin to help with sleep, and I've been on it in the past. I use it on a daily basis, and because of this I've developed a tolerance to it, I guess. I don't feel anything when I take it, and it's not helping me sleep anymore. I guess, I should go off of it. What does everyone think?


Well-known member
I am taking 1 mg of Klonopin to help with sleep, and I've been on it in the past. I use it on a daily basis, and because of this I've developed a tolerance to it, I guess. I don't feel anything when I take it, and it's not helping me sleep anymore. I guess, I should go off of it. What does everyone think?

I think if you feel any adverse effects after not taking it you should talk to a professional but if you've only been on 1 mg at night I dont think you will have withdrawals. Your anxiety might go up a bit in the beginning but in my opinion it is worth it.


Well-known member
I am taking 1 mg of Klonopin to help with sleep, and I've been on it in the past. I use it on a daily basis, and because of this I've developed a tolerance to it, I guess. I don't feel anything when I take it, and it's not helping me sleep anymore. I guess, I should go off of it. What does everyone think?

I heard withdrawals on it are hell. Talk to your doctor first and then follow their advice. If you do it wrong, you can end up in the ER.

Most likely, you will be decreasing your dose over time until you're completely off of it.

Another option would be to increase the dose. But, I think that would be a VERY BAD idea. Sooner or later, you're going to have to quit. Best to quit on 1mg than at a higher dose.


I think if you feel any adverse effects after not taking it you should talk to a professional but if you've only been on 1 mg at night I dont think you will have withdrawals. Your anxiety might go up a bit in the beginning but in my opinion it is worth it.
Thanks for the advice, Sully.