A Closed Door.

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Me too. I don't let ANYONE know me, I'm very secretive. I will never ever ever say what is on my mind, or my opinion about things. I'm just very very vague, so people won't know where to go by it. It's maybe because I don't even know what I think, and I just feel like I can't can't can't tell anyone anything. Like even when I have things I really think I need to tell someone, it will take me a really long time. I just don't want people to know, and I won't let them know.


Well-known member
Wow, I can relate to basically everything you've said, flakeybark. But you are so lucky, I hope you know, to have a family that actually cares how you think or what you feel, even if you can't verbalize it to them. I would love to have a family who actually, truly wanted to know me. Mine could care less. My entire family's always been totally emotionally repressed.


Well-known member
flakeybark said:
My dad is very emotionally repressed. Very difficult to connect to, he's kind of the equivalent of talking to a rock, you can imagine our conversations...haha
Lol I can, that's how it is talking to both of my parents... in their own different ways.


Well-known member
I am a pretty secretive person, as well. Many people find it unusual, but it has nothing special to do with disorders. I've always been like that.


Well-known member
my whole family is fully of dramatic Italians, except my dad...so you can imagine how awkward I feel during a family get-together....I feel totally invisible


Well-known member
I'm the same way. I hate holidays, which is the only time that my family sits together and talks. I'm forced to stay and be the 'good listener.' My parents don't even know about SA, they still call it shyness. I don't plan on correcting them anytime soon.
