14 year old daughter starting ionto


Well-known member
ysh-By the way, we are using the Hidrex 1000 (I did order Hidrex 500 but was sent the 1000 version- they told me they upgraded it for some reason) and this doesn't have the SENSE option-the button has been replaced with an MA/voltage key.
We are currently using the break advice (every 3 days instead of daily). I will look at the amount of water and will also try increasing voltage 1 min at a times.

Thanks so much all x


Well-known member
I got in touch with the centre where I bought the machine,they suggested something I hadn't even thought of.
Well,we were using the machine daily for feet and hands-15mins each.We should've been using it daily for a maximum of 15mins- so definitely not double!!
That could explain why it worked for me within 2 weeks as I only used it for my feet-total daily time 15 mins!!
What an idiot........lol


Well-known member
I always use it 15 minutes for feet, and then 15 minutes for hands (sometimes 20 minutes in case I missed a treatment for some reason). My maintenance schedule is every 2nd or 3rd day in order to keep the sweating under control.

I guess most ionto users here use their devices for more than 15 minutes if treating more than one area.

I seem to do my treatment quite often with a "short" treatment time, while others do a treatment once a week or perhaps even every 2nd week but with a longer treatment time.


Well-known member
Still no luck for my daughter. I was advised to try direct current instead of pulsed at 9volts.
So she is managing direct current on a setting between 11-16 volts but is quite uncomfortable. She has done this now for 2 solid weeks!!!
I'm trying so hard to be upbeat and positive for her but we are going on at least 4 months now !!!


Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear it hasn't worked for her yet. 4 months should be enough time to see results. Maybe it just won't work for her and you will have to try other options.


Well-known member
Have you been doing treatments daily for these two weeks?

I would rather increase the current and still go with PC, over than continuing at the same current level with DC. (PC = Pulsed Current, DC = Direct Current).


Well-known member
Yes,the past 2 weeks have been constant daily treatments on direct current on a setting between 11-16 volts.
The past 3 months have been pulsed current at 9volts,she couldn't manage any higher). We then tried not doing daily treatments and leaving breaks but in the end contacted the into centre to ask for advice. So for the past 2 weeks, we are direct current at 11-16 volts. We were advised daily treatments on this increased voltage until improvements are seen but not sure if my daughter should go back to taking breaks between treatments.
Hope that all makes sense.ha.
Thanks x

Ps.just a thought but my daughter bites her nails and therefore uses vasoline to protect cuts,could this be an issue do you think?


Well-known member
The recommendations I have seen is to continue doing daily treatments until effects are seen. Not advisable to go back to taking breaks unless she get blisters or similar due to the treatment. I have been using vaseline as well to protect cuts, so it should not be a problem.

It sounds good that she manages to use a higher current setting, give pulsed current a try at the same current setting and see if that is more convenient for her (it should be in theory and from my own experiences at least).

But, perhaps you should try to lower the water level even further. I use a low water level so that the nails are not covered in water. If lowering the water level to a level below fingernails she don't need any vaseline to protect the cuts.

Continue with daily treatments, and remember that if you see increased sweating all of a sudden it is a good sign it will work.


Well-known member
I'm baffled? In the 6 years of doing treatment I've come across various problems with my own treatment. It's still possible that the water in particular is not working with your daughter. I would add "rainwater" if possible to the mixture. Rainwater can be collected in big containers, pot, pans, buckets. I can't say why it works, but it has worked miracles for me. Daily treatments with 1/2 rainwater for 7 days possibly will yield some results.


Well-known member
I can't tell you how much I appreciate all your help. I tell my daughter we can't give up on the machine but wonder if we should.All your suggestions keep me positive and motivated.
Do you think taking short breaks between treatments,say a couple of days,will be a bad thing to do as my daughter is so fed up with daily treatments at present and to be fair,she's struggled on for months.
Thanks again x


New member
Do it! 2 weeks will be enough. In between tell your daughter to use some hand moistening creme. I think you overdoo the treatments and the upper skin from the palms become too thick and won't let the current to pass through. Is also very important that current won't hurt so choose the intensity wisely :) When u will restart to do the treatments add baking soda or salt in water to increase conductivity.
I hope it will work for your daughter!