11 year old boy committed suicide after being bullied. :/


Well-known member
I can't get my head around this, that this could actually happen here in this peaceful country that I live in, of course bulling occur here like everywhere else and I have been myself a victim of bulling.
It's sad that a kid that's not older than 11 years old could feel this this way and have to go through all this and not have been able to find the courage to tell or ask for help.
News like these make me feel like the world is just getting worse and worse by the day and less faith is for mankind, not bad enough before technology was a big part of our life's that bulling was probably happening most of the part at school or on your way to school, but now as the social media is getting more and more advanced bulling can be happening at home, and home is a place that you should feel safe.

I find personally that kids/teenagers are these day's are getting more arrogant/disrespectful, not just towards the same peers, but also to people who are older than they.
I never remember when I and my friends were younger that we were just walking around disrespecting the seniors in higher class as we were getting paid for it. I always showed respect and trust to those people and many are friends of mine today.
Unlike kids today seems like there have been little or no parenting about how to show a little bit of dignity.

But this is of course our fault if we think about it.

One proverb says that children learn what to them is taught.
If we think it's okay to brake someone down and being put into the media or the internet and make fun of it, why should our children feel something wrong with taking a person in a similar manner.

I think we all owe this little boy and to those who have lost a complete unfair war that they never asked for, we owe to them a favor of that we take a look at ourselves that we should always think before we act.
We should always choose our words wisely and with care, even though it's only words that we type on a computer, and we should show people that we work/ go to school or live with a understanding and dignity, but not bitterness and hatred.

No one deserves being put into a corner just because we think they are different then ourselves.

Treat people like you want to be treated.


Active member
These problems have always existed and always will. They aren't getting worse either. People just like to look back and remember "the good old days". Violent crime and other things of a similar nature have actually been steadily decreasing in the western world, it's just that now the media is so prevalent and push these sorts of stories in our faces much more.

I look into things like this all the time, as I think it's more to do with our personal outlook on events changing as we get older coupled with the increased media attention events like these get now.

I was talking with my dad a few days back about how it seems to rain a lot more now than when I was a child. I went away and researched it and really nothing has changed, just my outlook now that I'm older and having fond memories of my childhood. We fool ourselves everyday without even realizing it.


Well-known member
But it's sad to know that things like this can't be changed and will remain the same. Last time I read someone said bullying is a part of Darwin selection sth. I dont know if its true and I dont want it to be true. Are humans really incapable of changing things like this? Man I wish I had some kind of power...