I hoping there are still people doing this. If you are then congrats and your inspiring. If not then your lack of commitment not only disappoints me but it disappoints yourself too!!! lol
Perhaps "I find your lack of faith disturbing" would also fit here? Unless Darth Vader is too evil for a "lol" at the end.
I'm still trying to stick to this, but I've had a few setbacks. First, I've been having a difficult time getting motivated to do anything for just over the past month. So your timing in starting this challenge was perfect; I thought it might help me get motivated again. I also have a list of things to fix, redo, and clean up around here, and I haven't done anything in almost a month and a half now. Screw depression.
Second, a week ago I went to the shore and got a damn good sunburn on my arms and shoulders. Not moving at all hurt like hell, so I wasn't about to
feel the burn by doing push ups. My right shoulder is still pretty red and sore, but I can finally more it without agony.
Third, and most embarrassingly, I think I slept wrong a few nights ago. I've had a pain in my left shoulder that's not from doing push ups; it actually hurts when I pull my arm towards me. It feels like it's deeper in my shoulder, maybe one of the rotator cuff muscles? I tend to sleep on my stomach with my arms on my pillow, so maybe I pulled it in my sleep or hyperextended something? I only know the surf wasn't
that rough, and it didn't hurt until I woke up on Wednesday (3 days later).
Before last weekend I almost did 32 push ups, so I only upped my max by 7 in a month. But given a resurgent depression and the fact that I'm a lard ass, I wasn't expecting to quadruple my results in merely 6 weeks. Still, 32 is more than 25, so something is working.
I think for now I'm going to rest my shoulder for a few days then shoot for 50 instead of 100. I'm already over 60% there, so it'll be easier to accomplish. Then I'll shoot for 75, then 100.
So my goal will be 100 push ups by my birthday (late October), if not earlier. I still want to accomplish this. Life just decided to kick my ass around a little bit.