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  1. O

    Getting back with an ex

    So heres the story. A few years ago I met a girl, but having severe socia anxiety I didnt talk to her. I stumbled across her on facebook and decided to add her, but sitll we didnt talk. Last year I started posting things and she would show interest in my posts, so I decided to talk to her. I...
  2. O

    Not knowing what to say in social situations

    So basically my problem is not knowing how to have a conversation in almost any situation. On facebook i get as far as 'how are you' and it dies after that, I really have no idea what to talk about. In person theres alot of social awkwardness and not knowing what to say. Its like as soon as it...
  3. O

    Finally had enough

    So I've decided I'm going to give it my all to overcome my social anxiety, paranoia and obessiveness. I've landed in the same hole I always land in, when my thoughts have dragged me down so much that I cant stop worrying, always second guessing peoples motives I feel like I'm never going to find...
  4. O

    Relationship obsessions

    So basically I've recently started seeing this girl and everything was going fine until I had to come back to uni to do exams. I'm now seperated from her for 2 weeks, which is where the problem starts. I always mess these things up because I overthink like crazy :kickingmyself: worst case...
  5. O

    How do I not be creepy?

    Okay so basically, I suck with social situations, both in person and on facebook etc. I fail at smiling, I'm so bad at it that when I try my cheeks twitch. Not only that but I'm not sure when I'm supposed to smile, so I dont. I find myself glaring at people, I've been told by people I come...