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  1. N

    Supposed to go to a wedding today...

    The wedding is at 4 and I'm already starting to freak out. It's a wedding between two of our old friends, and no one thinks the wedding should even be happening. They're just doing it for their two kids....never a reason to get married. Anyway, my boyfriend is the best man in the wedding. It's a...
  2. N

    SA While Driving

    Driving has always been an issue for me. With my SA, I’m always worrying about what other drivers think of me. If I make a mistake while driving, I worry that everyone can tell and is looking at me. If there are people around me and I would have to cut them off to get off my exit, I will miss...
  3. N

    Getting to the roots of SA

    Does anyone ever wonder what things happen in your lives that add to/cause our SA? I figured I would share my thoughts on my life. Feel free to comment or add your own story! So I was in therapy on Wednesday, and my therapist brought up a good point. She always tries to get to the root...
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    Social anxiety blog

    I'm starting a blog to inform people about the growing number of individuals diagnosed with social anxiety disorder. I feel there are not adequate resources for people with this specific anxiety disorder. Many people feel alone and like they're the only ones suffering with these symptoms. I will...
  5. N

    Accommodations at work

    I recently started a job where I am having bouts of my disorder which are stopping me from going to work some days. I finally talked to a few people on here and they suggested asking for reasonable accommodations from mh supervisor. I was thrilled to hear that SA is covered under the Amaricans...
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    How to tell friends about your SA?

    I've been in counseling with my new therapist for a few months, and he's been helping me more than any therapist over the past 7 years. He recently expressed that he would like me to consider telling a few of my close friends about my SA. I am nervous but I think it might take a lot of weight...
  7. N

    Is social anxiety protected in the workplace?

    I had a discussion with a coworker today, and I wanted some opinions/experiences from the community! To make a long story short, I work with boys 14-18 who are criminal/sexual offenders in a residential treatment facility. I recently found out that one of my coworkers has an anxiety and panic...
  8. N

    Not wanting to go to work...

    A little background.... I pushed myself through school because of the pressure of not letting my family down. I graduated with my bachelors degree in social work at 21. I like social work because I love helping people who are in need. It's different for me than customer service.....I feel my...
  9. N

    SA in the workplace - (residential treatment center) I normally don't like to talk about my deepest darkest secrets with complete strangers, but I'm getting to the point where I need SOMEONE who understands. My family/boyfriend try their best but they don't truly understand and it gets frustrating at times.* So...I'm just going to...