SA in the workplace - (residential treatment center)


Active member I normally don't like to talk about my deepest darkest secrets with complete strangers, but I'm getting to the point where I need SOMEONE who understands. My family/boyfriend try their best but they don't truly understand and it gets frustrating at times.*

So...I'm just going to start and hopefully it's not too much information? *I'm 23 and I've been diagnose with SA since I was 16. I was also diagnosed with PTSD. I've gone to many different therapists off and on over the last 7 years but I always stop going after a few visits because I feel worthless and stupid for going. Sometimes I will sit and pick apart the things I hate about the therapist just so I can talk myself out of going. Recently I found a therapist who started CBT and has done wonders for my disorder. I'm starting to accept it and actually work on things rather than know about it and just do nothing. It's going to be a long process but I'm ready to stop feeling like crap. I've been on anxiety meds for the past 3.5 years. Celexa daily and Xanax as needed. I've found that it helps but Feel I've been on it WAY too long without improvement which is why I'm kicking my butt into gear with therapy.*

I've had a crazy life. My dad was a heroin addict and died from AIDS when I was 4. He unknowingly gave my mom HIV and she's been living with it now for 23 years. She was on her death bed when I was 8 but somehow recovered. My grandma committed suicide, my uncle randomly died of cancer we didn't know he had after 2 weeks in the hospital, grandpas on his third type of cancer... All plays into where I get the PTSD from.*

I pushed myself through school because of the pressure of not letting my family down. I graduated with my bachelors degree in social work at 21. I like social work because I love helping people who are in need. It's different for me than customer service.....I feel my SA is controlled because of how I feel after I help a needy family. I worked at DHS as an intern then a caseworker aid in child welfare for 2 years. Economy sucks so I was laid off. I liked these jobs because I had no authority, noone looking to me for the answer. I like being the assistant or the secretary. The less authority i have, the happier I am. I'm content working by myself quietly!*

Now I'm dealing with my SA daily because I work in a residential treatment center for boys 14-18 who are criminal or sexual offenders and have bad behavior problems. I constantly get verbally abused, yelled at, called names, challenged, and just broken down by these kids. I hate being an authority figure. I've been there 3 months and want to quit every single day. I don't quit because we need the money. I live with my boyfriend of 3 years, and he doesn't understand my SA. He always unintentionally makes fun of it and thinks I'm just emotional and can't control it. He tries, but just doesn't understand. *I don't quit because I don't want him to think I'm lazy or didn't try. He always says just to suck it up and keep going. I try, but daily I have panic attacks at work. I come home and cry myself to sleep many nights because it is so hard to keep myself composed at work. In the hours before i leave for work, I'm constantly looking for excuses and running through scenarios in my head about quitting...I try to think of some story to make up for my boyfriend/family about me getting fired or let go...I try to think of anything I can in order to have an excuse to not go back to that place but not have my boyfriend/family know/be mad at me for quitting. Like right now, I'm anxious about work and trying to find an excuse to not go back there. I hate the kids belittling me and extorting my flaws. Its a person with SA's worst nightmare!!

MY QUESTIONS: Does anyone else work in a similar setting? If so, how do you handle your SA at work? Any tips/tricks? Is staying at this job doing me more harm than good?

Anyway, that's me. If you have any questions/comments/advice feel free. I'm looking forward to getting feedback from others with this disorder. It's time for me not to feel alone.


Well-known member
Welcome nameless,

Wow, thats quite the story. and no, not TMI at all, dont be shy with that kind of thing.

To be totally honest, if your job is breaking you down every single day and making you feel the way you are, IMHO, (and this is ONLY an opinion, not suggesting a course of action), i would try to find somthing else if it were me. Feeling like that really wont help with your S/A.

Im in IT myself, and prior to my current job i was working at another company, where i was bullied every day by managers, broken down and humiliated in front of alot of co-workers and made to feel worthless. It finally took my doctor sitting me down and telling me that as a friend, he thought i should leave that place because it was going to kill me. Apparently i would have had a heart attack by 35 (im 28).

So i did, and now im in a really good place where my stress level has come down greatly, and my confidence has gotten back up. I stil have certain S/A triggers, but its much more managable here.

Now, that being said, everybodys story and cirumstances are different. Its never easy to get out of where you are and into somthing else, but so many suggest it.

Is it possible for you to maybe look for somthing else doing what you do?. Im wondering if how your being treated may also affect your confidence and drive to try to deal with your S/A more effectively. For my wife, who also has S/A, if shes in an enviroment like that her drive is absolute 0 and it hurts her so bad that way.

My wife has had the same issue with therapists as you, shes walked out of 3 of them because she got too embarrassed talking about her S/A. Hers is much more pronounced than mine, but we lean on eachother and coach eachother through our various triggers. She is on celexa as well and I am on wellbutrin, which has helped us both tremendously.

Basically, i guess im trying to say you are not alone, and you do matter to people here.

Whatever choices you make, you'll get honesty and support.

Take care, and keep us posted :). and again, welcome to the forums!
life is too precious to waste living in fear// I think the enviroment you describe would be AWFULL for anyone to work in, SA or not/ just to spend most of your day in that cloud of negative energy has to be terrible.// For someone with SA to work with people who are locked up due to their disregard for others and society is like asking an alcoholic to work at a bar. Counterproductive!! Its only gonna make you loose hope on people... You have to have a real CALLING for that type of job... I personally don't have SA when it comes to work-authourity-bussiness areas of life, and i would never consider a job like that... I'm not saying "quit", but you definetly should start looking for a new job... The money you earn there will probably not cover the therapy needed to get over that experience... Welcome to the forum! hope this helps!


Active member
I appreciate your reply. Knowing that there are others and actually TALKING to them makes t better. I started looking for more jobs today with confidence. Usually I dony even try for the tricky jobs. I applied for a adoption caseworker job :) let's just hope it goes well. I just wish there was some magical way to quit now and still have money for rent...always hoping for the lottery!

My anxiety attacks are so bad at work some nights, ad other nights I can control it. A lot of thoughts run through my head like "is what they're saying true? An I fat and ugly? Am I scum? Half of them don't even like me and it's hard to force myself to be around them because they're close to my age and I feel judged. Even though I KNOW it's just my job and they're just mad...idk I can talk to myself all I want, but I still can't take my own advice

Thank you though. I look forward to this group!


Well-known member
Nameless, good for you.

I used to think if i left the job i was being bullied at, i would be letting them win. Then i realized its not worth it. you deserve so much better then where your at. And you can help people the best when you are happiest and at your most effective.

Keep us posted :). I hope all goes well for you.



Active member
life is too precious to waste living in fear// I think the enviroment you describe would be AWFULL for anyone to work in, SA or not/ just to spend most of your day in that cloud of negative energy has to be terrible.// For someone with SA to work with people who are locked up due to their disregard for others and society is like asking an alcoholic to work at a bar. Counterproductive!! Its only gonna make you loose hope on people... You have to have a real CALLING for that type of job... I personally don't have SA when it comes to work-authourity-bussiness areas of life, and i would never consider a job like that... I'm not saying "quit", but you definetly should start looking for a new job... The money you earn there will probably not cover the therapy needed to get over that experience... Welcome to the forum! hope this helps!

I really appreciate your post. When you used the analogy of it being like a bar to an alcoholic I kind of chuckled, but then I really thought about it. If I am scared of being belittled, talked about, judged, criticized...why am I putting myself in that situation? My sanity is more important than money. I need to get out, so I'm looking for jobs ASAP!