Social anxiety blog


Active member
I'm starting a blog to inform people about the growing number of individuals diagnosed with social anxiety disorder. I feel there are not adequate resources for people with this specific anxiety disorder. Many people feel alone and like they're the only ones suffering with these symptoms. I will post things about my daily life that cause my SAD to act up. I will talk about past and present issues. My goal is to help those who need answers, and help them to not feel alone. Feel free to ask if you have questions, want advice, or want to hear how I handled a tough situation.

If you want to share your story, I'm here to listen. SAD will never go away, but together we can learn how to control it.

Please feel free to view my blog through tumblr or blogger....I will usually post the same post on both for my different audiences :)

I would appreciate the support and if you enjoy it, I would appreciate you spreading the word!

Living with Social Anxiety


My Life with Social Anxiety Disorder

And again, I'm thankful to all of the support I'm getting in this forum :)
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Active member
I've been enjoying my blog. I am able to get my feelings out in a way to people who won't judge me, and who understand. Please stop by!


Active member
It is great that you are using your experience od S.A.D to help others thus turn it into a positive. I believe that not only is there a stigma but it is relatively unknown or heard of. I only discovered Social Anxiety on the internet while googling following a severe bout of depression. Reading the symptoms and others stories was like a light bulb going off in my head as they sounded like they had been written about me. Keep up the good work in raising awareness


Active member
I only discovered Social Anxiety on the internet while googling following a severe bout of depression. Reading the symptoms and others stories was like a light bulb going off in my head as they sounded like they had been written about me.

I am glad you have found out more about yourself and you can help yourself heal. And again, thank you for the support about the blog!