Search results

  1. misterF

    How do your parents react to your SA?

    I was curious as to how everyone's parents react towards your SA? In my case, they learned about my various problems (SA, OCD, paranoid thoughts) when they went to see my therapist a couple of months ago. After the session I was expecting a ton of questions but they asked nothing, it's like they...
  2. misterF

    Been going through exposure therapy, loosing hope

    I've been going through exposure therapy following the advice of my therapist for the last two months, by going to a small language class. The class is very small so everyone knows each other and the first goal was to try and talk with my classmates during the breaks instead of avoiding them by...
  3. misterF

    Advice really needed! About dating...

    Ok so I was at a coffee shop this afternoon and the girl at the counter, who was my age, asked me if I lived here. I said "yeah" and she asked me some other stuff and then my name. So I told her, asked hers and then she said "see you tomorrow" and corrected herself to say "see you soon". Because...
  4. misterF

    Going back tu university

    I dropped out of university two years ago because of SA but I've decided to go back in January. Right now I'm taking small language classes as a form of exposure, it's going well enough, plus I'm seeing a therapist and all of this has made me a bit better but I'm still terrified of going back...
  5. misterF

    University in New Zealand

    Hi all! I'm going back to university having dropped out because of SA and because I've always like New Zealand I'm thinking of joining on of the universities there for the Spring semester. I'm hesitating between Auckland and Canterbury but I heard good things about Otago University... If anyone...
  6. misterF

    Planning to ask a girl out, any adive would be great.

    Hi all. I'm planning to ask this girl out I see sometimes at language school. I've actually talked to her before and she is very nice which is why I think I'm going to have the courage of asking her out. Last time I was in a relationship was in high school (I'm 21 now) so I've never gone out on...