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  1. anxiousguy83

    Studies Reveal Why Kids Get Bullied and Rejected

    Studies Reveal Why Kids Get Bullied and Rejected - Yahoo! News Very good article, addresses important things that all schools should be very aware of, and has for sure made a lot of people social phobic.
  2. anxiousguy83

    Abused children more prone to migraines in adulthood I think this can be interesting for lots of you including me, it's not only migraine.
  3. anxiousguy83

    How to stop anxiety - SUCCESS!

    Hi fellow sufferers, I planned to write about this later on but decided to do it right now. Most of us have battled our anxiety for years, tried lots of things, only to see our anxiety strike back again no matter what we do. Don't worry. I think I have found the solution! If we can't beat it...
  4. anxiousguy83


    Has anyone else been rejected by the girl of your dreams? She wouldn't even give me a chance, that was the worst :o
  5. anxiousguy83

    Communication Skills Power

    I recommend this! Found it tonight
  6. anxiousguy83


    Hi, I've been reading here once in while for some time now, I'm kinda glad I'm not alone in this...but also terrified that so many suffer from this. I've had social anxiety my whole life, I'm turning 25 soon, uneducated and no real job, still living at home, no friends... all because of social...