Search results

  1. Sial Axetder

    Music Eternal at End

    Why is music so dangerous? Why do I feel it so much? For now certain music that I can no longer listen to, due to negative feelings associated with them, while they are really good I can leave them. What happens if the song is so beautiful? I will lose it. Is this a gift or a curse? Begin...
  2. Sial Axetder

    want wanting wanted no idea

    Has this been done before!? I don't know. Been asked by some "what do you want?" (you implying me or I) I have arrived with hate to that question. It leads to a place so very low. It is my fault as I end up bringing it to light. I do not think hate is a strong word for this. In fact it is not...
  3. Sial Axetder

    Polls Good Yes No

    I have no idea. Because I felt random poll would help lots of people. Never doubt power of random.
  4. Sial Axetder


    Been on my mind awhile now. Niece, came up to me and said, 'you have black eyes.' No, not in a fight. I can only imagine from a distance my dark green eyes look black. Did my usual, I have noticed, jerk head, confused. Looked at sister-in-law who laughed. I mumbled what I could - 'I don't...
  5. Sial Axetder

    DTS or Dolby?

    I prefer DTS for one reason. The voices seem clearer, easier to hear. Dolby I find I have to continually adjust the volume between action and just dialogue scenes. One more question: Is it worth going to 7.1? Missing anything?
  6. Sial Axetder


    I am undiagnosed Avoidant with Schizotypal. Which to some may explain some things. If not, let me know. Listed as intermediate, still rather new. Would like to know more about you. (if this has been, after some searching, point me in right direction. Then I shall terminate).
  7. Sial Axetder


    someone says something to you, you smile and nod, they walk away, no longer in site, your expression melts to expressionless. Happens sometimes. Often wondered where to post but avoided it. Many people, many ideas and commments. What will be said? I don't know. I don't like not knowing.