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  1. PhillyFlyersGrl

    How many friends is one supposed to have?

    I was just thinking today after reading some stuff online, how many friends do you have to have in life? If you have say 2 like me lol, is that not enough? and maybe some aquaintances. It seems like most people don't have a lot of close close friends. People at most seem to have 5 and everyone...
  2. PhillyFlyersGrl

    Zodiac signs

    So okay, what is everyone's zodiac sign? And do you think your sign's description describes you or not? I'm a Scorpio. Some things apply to me, but stuff like the vengeful and we seek revenge stuff doesn't apply to me at all. Also I'm not aggressive or a go-getter. Actually I'm a quite passive...
  3. PhillyFlyersGrl

    Anyone have a song stuck in their head?

    I have that damn Lady Gaga song stuck in my head Bad Romance for the past few days..ughh. And I do actually like the song but don't want it replaying in my head all day lol. Anyone have a song stuck in their head? do you ignore it or do you let it bug you?
  4. PhillyFlyersGrl

    Book recomendations for S.P. and other illness

    I was curious if anyone has read any really good books on Social Phobia or other mental illnesses, memoirs, or self help. Let me know what the book was called. These are some I have read that are decent.. An Unquiet Mind Darkness Visiable The Bell Jar Introvert Power Unholy Ghost The Center...
  5. PhillyFlyersGrl

    what sucks the most..

    I was thinking today...the one thing thats realllyyyy annoying, is the fact that I may feel fine around people for a while, then I get really self conscious all of a sudden..and start shying away and like "okay I want to end this conversation now" Im done lol" let me get out of here lol. People...
  6. PhillyFlyersGrl


    So this is complicated, hopefully I can explain this well lol. About 7yrs ago when I got this cleaning job, which now i actually work for the company that I I dont clean anymore. But anyway, me and this guy has a crush on one another at this place, he was a mechanic and I was the...
  7. PhillyFlyersGrl

    Natural remedies..

    I have a question for everyone, have any of you tried any natural/herbal remedies for your anxiety and if so which ones and do they work even a little? For example Ive tried St Johns Wort..made me feel worse and strangely I couldnt sleep. Ive also tried 5 HTP..didnt do anything that I noticed...
  8. PhillyFlyersGrl

    How old were you when AvPD developed?

    Okay, what Ive read about Avpd it seems people have it from childhood. I have not. Its just recently for me become full blown and Im 29yrs. Is it possible to develop this from circumstances? I think certain things over the past 10yrs that have happened led me up to this point. Like say 6yrs ago...
  9. PhillyFlyersGrl

    Ughh christmas parties..

    My finance's friend is having her Christmas party this Sat, I soo don't want to go. The past couple of times I did actually end up having some fun after drinks and I was playing pool, which kept me occupied..but this year I really don't want to go and I don't feel social whatsoever, I think part...
  10. PhillyFlyersGrl

    Does anyone feel their not taken seriously?

    I ask this question because my Mom for example when I was talking about the medicine Im taking because of these problems..said.."they pass out medication for normal feelings" (to circumstances, life changes etc.) I thought to myself if this is what it feels like to be normal, shoot me now lol...
  11. PhillyFlyersGrl

    My story..Avpd and social phobia

    I want to start off my saying this site is a Godsend. It makes me feel better to know Im not alone with this. I stumbled upon AvPd when I was trying to get a handle on what I thought was weird symptoms..I thought maybe I was the only one. I already knew I had Social Phobia and am on medication...