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  1. Silentknight

    Being called shy

    For those of you here who have a serious social phobia or AvPD or Agoraphobia does it bother you if someone calls you shy and i mean by someone who knows that what you have is more serious then shyness?
  2. Silentknight

    Anyone here who doesn't want to get better

    If so how bad is your SA or AvPD? I know my AvPD is bad I can barely leave my house I don't make friends or flirt with girls even though I really wish I could, I'm starting to push away the one person I can call friend, I've begun to stop talking unless absolutly necessary, and on top of all...
  3. Silentknight

    MY first poem (honest opinions)

    Losing my humanity while clawing for what's left of my sanity, my fear of society is the reason for my self imposed social isolation, why is it so difficult for me to speak, the words at my throat but through fear of rejection can't be made into sound, I've missed out on much in life, for being...
  4. Silentknight

    Avoidants Or social phobics are you angry

    I'm 18yrs old and right now I'm still trying to hold on to what little optimism I have left that maybe someday soon I will start improving with the help of my friend but I've begun to notice that when I start to think of my future and how I might be I see myself not only alone which I'm semi ok...
  5. Silentknight

    Talking to imaginary people and avpd

    I talk to imaginary people. They are not imaginary people that I actually see or hear. They are just imaginary people that I visualize intuitively. Sometimes it is people that I actually know in real life other times it's celebrities that I'm attracted too. If you saw me talking to myself you...
  6. Silentknight

    Sensory deprevation and what to expect

    Ok so I suffer from avoidant personality disorder and major depression I also have minor hallucinations mostly auditory but I have experinced visual hallucinations. Awhile back I heard about a type of meditation that helps you confront your demons by a sort of sensory deprevation what you do is...
  7. Silentknight

    Can depression cause AvPD symptoms?

    Ok today I saw a psycologist for the first time before that I had looked all over the Internet As to why I had so much trouble in social situations like why I would rather be lonely then risk being rejected by talking to someone or why I found it so difficult to speak to people and why it feels...
  8. Silentknight

    Just go out and talk more

    Does anyone else Hate when people say this to you? I find this phrase to be the most insulting thing to say to someone with a social anxiety disorder and I hear it all the time from the one person I call friend. Each time I hear it it's like a knife in my chest an insult to my intelligence if it...
  9. Silentknight

    Anyone from Las Vegas ?

    I was wondering if anyone from this site is from Vegas and what they think of being a social phobic in Vegas a city known for partying? I personaly think it's almost unbearable knowing that while I suffer being a shut in who has alot of trouble just to try to be social and knowing that a few...
  10. Silentknight

    Avoidant Personality and Trust

    I was curious as to what other people with AvPD consider what trust is? You see today I thought about the one person I have ever told my problems too from my aboidance of people too something as personal as my self harming. I thought me opening up to her must mean I trust her but then I started...
  11. Silentknight

    Avoidant Personality Disorder and Suicide

    I was curious as to whether anyone with AvPD or any type of Social Phobia has ever seriously considered suicide before. I've been thinking of it more and more my Social Phobia isn't the only problem but it the root of my problems if anyone has had thoughts of suicide I'd like to hear from you if...