Sensory deprevation and what to expect


Well-known member
Ok so I suffer from avoidant personality disorder and major depression I also have minor hallucinations mostly auditory but I have experinced visual hallucinations. Awhile back I heard about a type of meditation that helps you confront your demons by a sort of sensory deprevation what you do is close yourself in some dark room and turn on some white-noise (static from a radio is what it sounds like) and just let your senses go out it like beeing in a deep meditation at least this what I've heard because every time I've tried I start to have a panic attack mostly because one of the things this meditation is supposed to do is enhance your senses which makes you more succeptibal to hallucinations I already have hallucinations without doing this and those hallucinations scare me and I'm worried if I allow my mind to enhace these hallucinations that they will physicaly harm me I become very frightful whenever I try to start this meditation because I don't know what to expect so if anyone here has any advice or has had experiance trying this I'd like to hear about it.


Well-known member
I definitely agree that something like that will only make you worse. They used to use tactics like that in mental hospitals on mental patients & all it did was make them worse. & like Zeffolia said, if you're having hallucinations, it's best to see a doctor. The only thing that will make them stop is anti-psychotic medications & there's no need to be ashamed to take them. The hallucinations will only progress if left untreated.