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  1. chibiXphantom

    Post what you cannot say

    im sorry i worry so much when you're gone, i just don't know what i'd do without you and i don't want to lose you. you're everything to me and my paranoia gets in the way.. i hate when i cant see you. i hate being stuck here when you're there. the past week has been a mess and i believe what you...
  2. chibiXphantom

    dont know what to think..

    ok, so just relationship issues...i dont really have anyone to talk to about it...soo....yeah i got a message on facebook from this girl. she claimed she and my boyfriend were hanging out. one thing led to another and they had sex. she said he denied being my boyfriend at one point. she said...
  3. chibiXphantom

    he wont leave me alone

    im not sure where to post this, but i really need advice (might be pretty long) ok, so a guy started going to my high school for a short amount of time. while he was there, he was picked on and he sat alone all the time. i felt bad for him, so i invited him to sit with my friends in lunch. we...
  4. chibiXphantom

    job hunting and interviews of doom

    ok so ive been trying to find a new job. i currently have one, but the pay is terrible, the hours are miniscule, and the people are stressing me out. I recently applied to a little icecream place. i was almost too shy to ask for an app, but my boyfriend pushed me to ask. so i applied and got a...
  5. chibiXphantom

    dont talk enough

    ive been with my boyfriend for quite a few months now. to me things seemed to be going great and fine. we talk a lot, we tell eachother things we've never told anyone else. i talk to him more than anyone and he knows me better than anyone and he's my best friend... then last night he kept saying...
  6. chibiXphantom

    just want opinions

    i recorded this a little over a month ago i hadn't really planned any of it, i was just playing what i felt sounded right, making it up as i went. just wanted some opinions on it. any good? or just sloppy? thanks
  7. chibiXphantom

    too nice or just masochistic?

    so recently i've been finding out a lot of stuff about someone who i thought was very close to me. i hate to sound complainy and like im making a list of faults on their part... but they've lied to me numerous times, broken every promise ever made to me, stabbed me in the back, and asks more of...
  8. chibiXphantom

    cant eat

    due to some recent events.. ive been extremely depressed, and as more bad things keep happening in the situation, ive been getting worse. when im depressed i usually cant eat as much. i just lose my appetite. ive been so depressed though i havent eaten anything in the past 2 days except half a...