Search results

  1. chibiXphantom

    too many changes

  2. chibiXphantom

    self-harm scars and job searching

    i've been to quite a few interviews that i've thought have gone well. i make eye contact, answer the questions well i think, have more than enough experience to do the job, and all of that. now im sure it's not the case all the time, but i'm wondering if maybe my self-harm scars may be a...
  3. chibiXphantom

    stepping up for others

    i've noticed that when it comes to helping others or getting things done that no one else will do, my anxiety seems to dissipate. for example, i was with my mom and sister shopping one day and we got to the mall a bit early, as most of the shops weren't open. both my mom and sister were too shy...
  4. chibiXphantom


  5. chibiXphantom

    Body Language and Communication

    I found a good website with articles and videos about improving your people skills, how to read body language (and help you be more conscious of your own body language and what image you're conveying to people, conversation tips, and all sorts of information about how to better communicate...
  6. chibiXphantom

    life improving but feel more depressed

  7. chibiXphantom

    Job references

    how do you deal with job references? i don't remember half the names of people i've worked with in the past, barely even interacted with anyone, and haven't worked any place more than a year. i've been working at home for a while now, but need something that pays better and is more stable, but i...
  8. chibiXphantom

    been a while

  9. chibiXphantom

    quitting my job

    i cant stand my job anymore. i work as a cashier and have to deal with a constant flow of people all day. and its really been stressing me out lately to the point where i drive home crying most nights. i want to quit so bad, but im terrified of doing so. i had planned to tell the manager that i...
  10. chibiXphantom

    paranoid girlfriend

    ok so i started dating this guy last week, and i like him a lot. he's basically everything i'd want in a guy (idk what he sees in me..). but i think i've fallen for him too fast. i dont want to be the crazy, overly-attatched girlfriend type. but i think thats what i'm becoming >_< his facebook...
  11. chibiXphantom


    Do you do anything fun for halloween or dress up in costume? its my favourite holiday and i always say im going to dress up and go out or something, but i usually just end up at home watching scary movies by myself and eating too much candy. if i do dress up and do something this year, ill...
  12. chibiXphantom

    Straight edge isolation

    I've made it my own personal choice to follow a straight edge life style, so I refuse to drink, smoke, do drugs, and I also avoid situations in which any of those are involved. I find myself having to remove myself from quite a few situations in which people were smoking or drinking and i didnt...
  13. chibiXphantom

    too in love

    sometimes i think i'm too in love with my bf. he's all i can think about and he makes me so happy i just want to give him everything and let him know how much he means to me but every moment im away from him i just fall into a depression and just break down a lot. i want to be with him all the...
  14. chibiXphantom


    So it seems going to college is the thing to do these days. once you graduate its expected of you to go on to some form of higher education. everyone seems to say that if you dont go to college, you cant get a good job. but is that really true? ive never wanted to go to college ever. i didnt...
  15. chibiXphantom

    Gift Giving

    anyone else stress out over gift giving? i have the hardest time buying things for people, even those very close to me. i just want to give them something of value that they'd love, but im always afraid ill buy them something they'll hate. and theyll end up thinking that i dont know them at...
  16. chibiXphantom


    so i was rudely awakened at 6 this morning being told I had to go to a list of places and apply for a job (some of which i already have). my stepdad ranted for a while about how i've been sitting around being useless, not trying to get a job (totally untrue). that i need to earn my keep and my...
  17. chibiXphantom


    im usually pretty mello and not annoyed by anything cause i usually dont care.. but sometimes i just get in moods where everything seems to annoy me or frustrate me. just the very presense of a person can make me so annoyed, or even just a text (could be a smiley) and id get irritated. i dont...
  18. chibiXphantom

    Phone Interview

    so i have a phone interview soon and im super nervous. im really awkward when talking on the phone, and can barely talk to my own relatives on the phone without being nervous. and ive never interviewed really before anyone have any tips or advice about phone interviews? or interview in general...
  19. chibiXphantom

    Feel good music

    anyone else have a song that lifts your mood and turns a bad day around? or songs you listen to that just make you feel good? this is mine (one of the many): Steve Miller Band - Jet Airliner - YouTube
  20. chibiXphantom


    i've always been shy, but once i got into high school, a school of unfamiliar faces, my shyness skyrocketed. i hardly had friends in high school. i was too afraid to just simply say "hi". id sit with anyone who would let me sit by them just so i didnt feel alone. my loneliness got the best of...